Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

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Michael Abramson

Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

Post by Michael Abramson »

My unknown brand roller furling on my Intrepid 9M is history, and
after reading the Practical Sailor reviews, I'm leaning towards the
CDI Flexible Furler unit, and installing it myself. Apparently 100%
of the PS respondents said they would buy the CDI unit again, but the
PS editors said they would only recommend it for boats under 25'. I
think PS sometimes assumes we are all going to try to singlehand
around the world and may be overly cautious. My boat gets minimal
use, is never raced, and probably will never leave the Chesapeake.
Does anyone have this unit on a 30' boat, and is there any reason
you would chose something else next time? What about installation?
I am pretty handy and have all the tools, but don't want to risk the
rig if there are tricky aspects to the installation. The CDI website
says the typical user can install in 2 hours, but I think my mast
will have to come down just to remove the old furler. Any CD owners
on the lower bay with experience? Lastly, I'd really prefer to fit
a Schaefer 1100 series unit since much of the other rigging on the
boat is already Schaefer, but locally the unit alone is about $2000.
Has anyone seen a deal anywhere on the Schaefer setup? Thanks.
Neil Gordon

Re: Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>... but the PS editors said they would only recommend it for boats under 25'.<<

I've had a CDI furler on LIQUIDITY for three years. My slip mate has one on his Pearson 36 and loves it.

>>... PS sometimes assumes we are all going to try to singlehand
around the world ...<<

And a furler with a -0- % failure rate would be a problem? <s>

>>What about installation?<<

I had the mast down for the winter, so I took the forestay to the sailmaker and he installed the furler. (Forestay needed a turnbuckle change.) In the spring, I picked up the forestay/furler and clipped it on the mast. (The advantage of having a sailmaker less than a mile from the marina. <g>)

>>Lastly, I'd really prefer to fit a Schaefer 1100 series unit since much of the other rigging on the boat is already Schaefer ...<<

For stuff that doesn't have to interface, what's the point?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Gary McDonough

Re: Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

Post by Gary McDonough »


My old 25D had the CDI furler and I would recommend it to anyone. A prior owner had done a lousy installation job (wavy track-not straight) so I put a new track on the headstay. I did not lower the mast to do this. I climbed the mast with my mastmate and removed the headstay from the mast head. Prior to this I used a spare halyard for a temporary headstay. My sailmaker then took the headstay to his shop and installed the new track there. I then reclimbed the mast with the headstay & it's new furler track and reconnected to the masthead.

My current CD30 has a Hood system and I don't like it as much.


Michael Abramson

Re: Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

Post by Michael Abramson »

Thanks for the reply. I ordered the CDI FF7 system yesterday from
the Rigging Loft in Mass. Was about $625 plus $45 shipping, so a
very economical option for someone replacing or installing roller
furling, at least compared to the big names. I'm glad to hear you
were happy with it on your other boat.

The mast on my boat was dropped yesterday, since I need to do a
few other upgrades and because the old system (I have been told it
is an ancient Hood furler) was not going to be easy to remove. I
believe I will have to have a new head stay made up, because the old
one can't be removed from the Hood luff extrusion without removing
the Norseman fork from the top.

My question is how could the new PVC luff extrusion be wavy in the
installation you described? Doesn't it just slide over the stay?
If there are any tips or things to avoid, I'd be happy to know. I
think I will receive the CDI tomorrow, and if I can get the stay
made up, I can install it over the holiday weekend.

Again, thanks to you and Neil for the feedback.



My old 25D had the CDI furler and I would recommend it to anyone. A prior owner had done a lousy installation job (wavy track-not straight) so I put a new track on the headstay. I did not lower the mast to do this. I climbed the mast with my mastmate and removed the headstay from the mast head. Prior to this I used a spare halyard for a temporary headstay. My sailmaker then took the headstay to his shop and installed the new track there. I then reclimbed the mast with the headstay & it's new furler track and reconnected to the masthead.

My current CD30 has a Hood system and I don't like it as much.


Gary McDonough

Re: Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

Post by Gary McDonough »


The track for the furler is very flexible when it doesn't have the headstay through it. My sailmaker (the same guy Neil uses) told me that CDI used to ship them rolled up and in some situations they could get a permanent bend in them in spots. He complained to them and apparently they now ship them inside a PVC pipe to keep them straight.

Good luck with your installation.

Neil Gordon

Re: Feedback re CDI Furler on 30' CD Intrepid

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>The track for the furler is very flexible ...<<

It's a little worse than flexible, in that it will eventually conform to its flexed condition. Mine came rolled but was reversed rolled to straighten it out and then was left straight on the floor of the loft until I clipped it onto the boat. That's another advantage of having a sailmaker within (short) driving distance.

Good to see you last weekend, btw! Any plans for Labor Day?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
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