ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by ZEIDA »

Anybody has the names of the B&B's that may be close to the marina for this coming weekend CD reunion? I will be in CapeCod from Thurs thru Friday, and may try to make it if possible. Anybody knows the driving time from CapeCod to Ogunquit, and from there to Robinhood?

Tom Wilcox

Re: ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by Tom Wilcox »

ZEIDA wrote: Anybody has the names of the B&B's that may be close to the marina for this coming weekend CD reunion? I will be in CapeCod from Thurs thru Friday, and may try to make it if possible. Anybody knows the driving time from CapeCod to Ogunquit, and from there to Robinhood?
You can check out the Maine Maritime Museum's website at for a list of places to stay. It's also a pretty good visit while you are here and located about five water miles away in Bath.
Catherine Monaghan

Re: ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I know of a few B&B's in the area of Robinhood. These are located in Bath:

<a href="">Benjamin F. Packard House</a>
<a href="">The Inn at Bath</a>
<a href="">The Galen C. Moses House</a>
<a href="">The Kennebec Inn</a>
<a href="">The Donnell House</a>
<a href="">The Fairhaven Inn</a>

These are located in Georgetown:

<a href="">Coveside Bed and Breakfast</a>
<a href="">The Grey Havens Inn</a>

Have fun.
CD32 Realization
Raritan Bay

ZEIDA wrote: Anybody has the names of the B&B's that may be close to the marina for this coming weekend CD reunion? I will be in CapeCod from Thurs thru Friday, and may try to make it if possible. Anybody knows the driving time from CapeCod to Ogunquit, and from there to Robinhood?
Dave Potts

Re: ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by Dave Potts »

Driving time from Cape Cod to Ogunquit is on the order of 3.5 to 4 hours, depending on where in Cape Cod you're leaving from and when you're traveling (avoid I93 through Boston at rush hour - also, I'm not sure what the general status of things are down there are with the 'big dig' project).

Ogunquit to Robinhood is probably around 1.5 hours or so. The Carlton Bridge between Bath and Woolwich, ME can get backed up with weekend tourist traffic and shift changes at the Bath Iron Works shipyard.

Also, you refered to the 'coming weekend CD reunion'. I wasn't sure if you used 'coming' meaning 'near future', but note that the rendevous is not this weekend, 7/30-8/1, but next weekend, 8/6-8/8.

ZEIDA wrote: Anybody has the names of the B&B's that may be close to the marina for this coming weekend CD reunion? I will be in CapeCod from Thurs thru Friday, and may try to make it if possible. Anybody knows the driving time from CapeCod to Ogunquit, and from there to Robinhood?
Joe Wysong

Re: ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by Joe Wysong »


The worst part of the trip on Friday/Saturday will be the jam-up where I495 joins I95 just before the Mass/NH border. I was foolish enough to travel to Robinhood on a Saturday am last August and ended up going five miles an hour for three looong hours.

As of ten days ago (I haven't spoken to Steve Files since, he's off somewhere sailing) we had about 65 people and 35 boats signed up.

Chris Stump

Re: ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by Chris Stump »

I'm a newly minted CD owner (Typhoon), and wonder if there is an itinerary posted for the upcoming get-together...what, where, and when...etc.

Catherine Monaghan

Re: ROBINHOOD marine CD get together

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Check this old <a href=" ... posting</a> for information regarding the rendezvous at Robinhood Marine Center.
CD32 Realization
Raritan Bay
Chris Stump wrote: I'm a newly minted CD owner (Typhoon), and wonder if there is an itinerary posted for the upcoming get-together...what, where, and when...etc.

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