Hooray for Onset!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Bob Ohler

Hooray for Onset!

Post by Bob Ohler »

To everyone who organized and participated in the Onset, MA Cape Dory Rendezvous this past weekend, many thanks! We were fortunate to have a great facilty at the Point Independence Yacht Club, a terrific host in Chris Reinke, and some absolutely beautiful "Cape Dory weather" on Saturday. To each of you, too numerous mention here, many of whom were only a name on this message board prior to this weekend, "Thank you." We all shared some special times and made for some terrific memories. To anyone who considered going to Onset, and for one reason or another decded not to meet us, you missed one heck of a good time with some of the nicest people and sailors anywhere!
Let's do it again!
Bob & Paula Ohler

Chris Reinke

Re: Hooray for Onset!

Post by Chris Reinke »

To all the folks who joined us in Onset - THANK YOU!

It was the participants who are responsible for the success of our gathering and who made the event a very special time. Some of the boats which joined us in Onset are heading to Robinhood for the event which Steve Files has put together. Knowing these individuals I am confident that Steve’s event will be a tremendous success. Steve can look forward to experiencing the same wonderful feelings which I had as the first group of 5 CDs entered Onset Harbor.

The sight of the CD fleet heading out of the harbor under sail is a memory which will last with me for a very long time. The sight of "Swept Away" (CD36) passing by with a constant flow of green water over her toerail was magnificent. The classic lines of Leo MacDonald’s Ketch rigged CD30 with her bark sails was picturesque against the Cape Cod shore. Navigating became difficult as I found myself admiring the boats and not monitoring my course.

Several discussions were had regarding the possibility of forming a New England CD Owners Association. I am sure many posts will be made to this board both for and against the idea. Regardless of whether we formalize our group or not I would like to offer the following:

I know I am going to regret this but…… anyone interested in a New England Rendezvous in 2000?

Thanks Again,
Chris Reinke

PS - Bob - Congratulations on winning the door prizes.
Bob Ohler wrote: To everyone who organized and participated in the Onset, MA Cape Dory Rendezvous this past weekend, many thanks! We were fortunate to have a great facilty at the Point Independence Yacht Club, a terrific host in Chris Reinke, and some absolutely beautiful "Cape Dory weather" on Saturday. To each of you, too numerous mention here, many of whom were only a name on this message board prior to this weekend, "Thank you." We all shared some special times and made for some terrific memories. To anyone who considered going to Onset, and for one reason or another decded not to meet us, you missed one heck of a good time with some of the nicest people and sailors anywhere!
Let's do it again!
Bob & Paula Ohler
Tom Pandiscio

Re: Hooray for Onset!

Post by Tom Pandiscio »

I would like to thank Chris Reinke for the work that he did in organizing the Onset event. It was well organized and it was certainly a pleasure to see so many pretty boats in one place.

My wife and I would both be interested in another event next summer.

Tom Pandiscio
Swept Away

Walt Bilofsky

Re: Hooray for Onset! (Pix, and some suggestions for next ye

Post by Walt Bilofsky »

<IMG SRC="/capedory/ne-rondy2.jpg" HEIGHT=192 WIDTH=274 ALIGN=RIGHT>Here's adding my thanks to Chris for organizing this get-together. Fortunately, Nancy and I were able to attend (and lucky enough to miss the Saturday sail - we're calm weather boaters, and most reports were of 4' chop and one person said 6'). Well, we had the boats for it!

It was great to meet the leadership of the Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Assn. - Commodore Peter van der Kam, Secretary Bob Ohler, past Secretary Jim Turner and founder Al Lawton - many of whom I had talked to and/or corresponded with. Peter and I exchanged caps from our organizations (right). And lots more folks from the message board - that's Chris on the far left.

<center><IMG SRC="/capedory/ne-rondy1.jpg" HEIGHT=375 WIDTH=572></center>

During the discussion period, we didn't really get into detailed planning for next year, but I would like to toss out a couple of thoughts.

Here in San Francisco Bay, we're lucky enough to have many marinas with available transient slips, and some with a couple hundred feet of guest docking. The ten or twelve Cape Dorys that show up for our events (I used to think that was a lot!) often can be rafted together at the dock, which leads to a lot of visiting across boats, and congregating on the larger boats for drinks and snacks. IMHO this is the best part of a rendezvous.

What I learned last weekend is that guest docking is hard to come by in New England, and most anchorages aren't calm enough to raft safely overnight. But I'd suggest that if anyone knows of a sheltered anchorage that would allow a large weekend raftup, folks might think about that as an alternative destination for next year. Driving up to Boston on Sunday, we passed one harbor just south of the city that looked pretty sheltered. Anyway, that's my two cents and I'll leave the subject to those with local knowlege.

My other suggestion is that a place and date be chosen at least four months in advance. Then hopefully someone will volunteer to mail a one-page press release to the regional and local boating publications, and maybe a post card announcement to yacht clubs and marinas for them to post. This message board obviously reaches enough Cape Dory owners to make for a wildly successful gathering, but most Cape Dory people are not on here. For example, the couple who berth in Mattapoisett said they had talked to three other CD owners there and none of them had known about the event.

The California Cape Dory Owners Assn. had three boats at our first rendezvous, and we grew a happy little organization out of it. You Boston area folks are starting with ten times the people power we did, so we look forward to great things from you! Thanks again to Chris, and to all who attended - it was super!

Walt Bilofsky
Staff Commodore, California Cape Dory Owners Assn.

Don Carr

Re: Hooray for Onset! (Pix, and some suggestions for next ye

Post by Don Carr »

Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Onset gathering due to work considerations,. I am envious of the gathering. I have a suggestion for next years location. My vote is for Block Island..great anchorage in the Salt Pond and I believe if arrangements are made soon enough, Paynes may allocate some dockage. The only downside is that the launch charges $2.00/Person each way from anchorage, but I'm sure that can be negotiated. Again, I am regretful that I was unable to attend.

Don Carr
s/v Camanae CD25
Niantic Ct.

Paul Scribner

Re: Hooray for Onset!

Post by Paul Scribner »

Let me be one of the first to express interest in Onset 2000. I also want to again thank Chris for all his work and to mention his father for all the behind the scene work he did. One of the best weekends I've had as a "Dory Head".
Paul Scribner
CD 28
Chris Reinke wrote: To all the folks who joined us in Onset - THANK YOU!

It was the participants who are responsible for the success of our gathering and who made the event a very special time. Some of the boats which joined us in Onset are heading to Robinhood for the event which Steve Files has put together. Knowing these individuals I am confident that Steve’s event will be a tremendous success. Steve can look forward to experiencing the same wonderful feelings which I had as the first group of 5 CDs entered Onset Harbor.

The sight of the CD fleet heading out of the harbor under sail is a memory which will last with me for a very long time. The sight of "Swept Away" (CD36) passing by with a constant flow of green water over her toerail was magnificent. The classic lines of Leo MacDonald’s Ketch rigged CD30 with her bark sails was picturesque against the Cape Cod shore. Navigating became difficult as I found myself admiring the boats and not monitoring my course.

Several discussions were had regarding the possibility of forming a New England CD Owners Association. I am sure many posts will be made to this board both for and against the idea. Regardless of whether we formalize our group or not I would like to offer the following:

I know I am going to regret this but…… anyone interested in a New England Rendezvous in 2000?

Thanks Again,
Chris Reinke

PS - Bob - Congratulations on winning the door prizes.
Bob Ohler wrote: To everyone who organized and participated in the Onset, MA Cape Dory Rendezvous this past weekend, many thanks! We were fortunate to have a great facilty at the Point Independence Yacht Club, a terrific host in Chris Reinke, and some absolutely beautiful "Cape Dory weather" on Saturday. To each of you, too numerous mention here, many of whom were only a name on this message board prior to this weekend, "Thank you." We all shared some special times and made for some terrific memories. To anyone who considered going to Onset, and for one reason or another decded not to meet us, you missed one heck of a good time with some of the nicest people and sailors anywhere!
Let's do it again!
Bob & Paula Ohler

Duncan Maio

Re: and some suggestions for next year

Post by Duncan Maio »

We also regret missing the Rendezvous at Onset this year (work, work, work) and heartily endorse Block Island as a venue for next year. We were there in late June, and found plenty of town moorings ($30 per night), plenty of anchorage, and lots of available transient dockage at Champlins, where rafting is practically required.

The biggest problem we had with the launch was not the $2 per person per trip, but the 20-45 minute wait for the launch. We decided after the second day to buy a kicker for the dinghy (anybody selling a 2-4 hp outboard?)

My recommendation would be for mid-June, as the weather is fine but the crowds are still a ways off (Race Week is an odd-year event at about this time).

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

p.s. I will also volunteer Bristol Marine in Bristol, RI as a venue, if folks are interested. They are the ancestral home of that other Good Old Boat, but have been very kind to us and some other Cape Dory owners.

Neil Gordon

Re: Hooray for Onset!... and next year...

Post by Neil Gordon »

I'll join the list of those thanking Chris for putting together a great weekend!!!

As for next year, Marina Bay in Boston Harbor has essentially unlimited transient dockage, provided they have notice and there's no other conflicting event, such as the antique boat show. The location is good, lots to do in Boston for an extended vacation and there's great day sailing and anchoring among the Boston Harbor islands. Only downside, Marina Bay slips will run about $2 a foot for the night, quite a bit more than moorings.

Thanks again Chris!!!

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Bill n Sandra

Re: Hooray for Onset!

Post by Bill n Sandra »

Well after 4056 statue miles (meaning we drove) the captain and first mate of Rhapsody are home! We can only say that we have not enjoyed any vacation in our memories as much as we did our trip "back east"!!!!!! It was totally new for both of us!

On Sunday (July 18) We went to the cape for three fun days and then returned to Onset because I wanted to check out some engine parts at the Onset Bay Marina. We then had lunch at Marc Anthony's Pizza joint, and after that it took us over an hour to leave Onset. We almost stayed another day!!!!! We did not want to leave!!!!!!!

Thank you Chris and all the others for the hospitality (sp) and the rides on their boats (Gary/Liz & Leo/Ruth)! It was truly two beautiful days of sailing. I dont believe that Sandra has ever enjoyed a boat ride as much as she did Saturday. She cant stop talking about it (nor I for that matter). She even mentions from time to time about what she could do for a living in Onset!!! Now that is an impression, trust me on this one!!!!

Anyway, thanks again, and when I get my pics back, I'll update my web sight and if anyone wants a jpg (if they are okay) I'll send you one.

Oh BTW, as far as next year, we will probably pass, but Bob Ohler, keeps up in mind for the Cheasapeak Sail/Cruise!

Bill & Sandra Slater
S/V Rhapsody

Bob Ohler wrote: To everyone who organized and participated in the Onset, MA Cape Dory Rendezvous this past weekend, many thanks! We were fortunate to have a great facilty at the Point Independence Yacht Club, a terrific host in Chris Reinke, and some absolutely beautiful "Cape Dory weather" on Saturday. To each of you, too numerous mention here, many of whom were only a name on this message board prior to this weekend, "Thank you." We all shared some special times and made for some terrific memories. To anyone who considered going to Onset, and for one reason or another decded not to meet us, you missed one heck of a good time with some of the nicest people and sailors anywhere!
Let's do it again!
Bob & Paula Ohler

Peter van der Kam

Re: Hooray for Onset! (Pix, and some suggestions for next ye

Post by Peter van der Kam »

What a pleasant surprise to find these messages on the PC on my return from Onset! I took a bit longer to get back as we (Jim Turner, Mike Berman, and I) sailed Jim Turner's CD31 LOON back to the Chesapeake. It was great to meet the Northern Cape Dory owners and special thanks go to the Reinkes for organizing this event. What an enthusistic group! We hope and look forward to seeing some of you on the Chesapeake when we (the CDSOA) organize our Fall Rendezvous during the weekend of September 4; this year probably close to Annapolis, but will confirm this soon.
Thanks Chris for giving us the opportunity to push the CDSOA a bit during dinner and being able to meet Walt Bilofsky whom we owe thanks for letting us have a page on the California website.
And Walt, it was wonderful meeting you and Nancy, thanks so much for the hat. Mainly many thanks for the photographs here on the message board; it was a bit of a shocker to see my fat body on the screen, but flattering yes, very flattering; thankyou. Glad you made it back home safely.
The trip home was uneventful although cold when we had to free a fishing net from the prop, sad to see all those planes and helicopters over Gay Pt., astonished to find two jetskiers lost at 16 miles from shore, dead cold, on a late and misty Monday afternoon; and exciting to see New York (it always is).
It was a very memorable experience and I hope to see everybody I met in Onset again soon.


Re: Hooray for Onset!

Post by Linda »

Thanks to Chris and his family. Great job! It certainly was a memorable and fun weekend for all of us from Chartley. It was truly a joy to see several "Dorians" together. -Thanks to Tony, Jerry and his wife and company who helped us with new projects and ideas. Connecting faces with names from the California Website is better!.We are fortunate to have the California website..thanks Walt....we all appreciate your efforts.
So pleased to meet so many of you (especially in our home bay)!.... Looking forward to 2000. Linda, Bob and Kim...CD Chartley

Pete Asensio

Re: Hooray for Onset!

Post by Pete Asensio »

Sign me up for next year! I would be very happy to assist with any planning tasks, etc. in connection with next year's event. We are looking forward to adding our bit to the CD powerboat contingent!

I feel that Block Island might be an excellent choice... it's certainly in the running.

Pete, m/v "Junonia" CD 28 Open
Westbrook, CT

Chris Reinke

Hooray for Onset - Now on to next year!

Post by Chris Reinke »

Pete - Your assistance will definitely be called upon if we can get another event together. Several alternative locations have been suggested with the idea of spending more time touring the various CD models in attendance. Block is high on the list however it is a bit further for our friends up north. Keep your eyes on this page for additional information.

Pete Asensio wrote: Chris:
Sign me up for next year! I would be very happy to assist with any planning tasks, etc. in connection with next year's event. We are looking forward to adding our bit to the CD powerboat contingent!

I feel that Block Island might be an excellent choice... it's certainly in the running.

Pete, m/v "Junonia" CD 28 Open
Westbrook, CT


Re: Hooray for Onset - Now on to next year!

Post by Jerry »

Chris Reinke wrote: Pete - Your assistance will definitely be called upon if we can get another event together. Several alternative locations have been suggested with the idea of spending more time touring the various CD models in attendance. Block is high on the list however it is a bit further for our friends up north. Keep your eyes on this page for additional information.
Regarding location, consider Provincetown. It's further for the southern folks but you might draw in the Maine crowd. You would have to schedule it in early to mid June, before the harbor got too crowded.
Neil Gordon

Re: Hooray for Onset - Now on to P-town?

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Regarding location, consider Provincetown.<<

Now there's a great idea!!! We spent four days there following the Onset meet.

If we want slip space, it fills quickly, so advance reservations (way in advance) would be required. The marina is small and we might take up the whole place. It's also expensive, $75 a night; they charge for the whole slip even if your boat only takes up 2/3 of it. <G>

OTOH, P-town has almost unlimited mooring space unless (as was the case last week) the NY Yacht Club or similar group shows up with a hundred or more boats.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

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