I love this Web site, the only place I can admit this kind of thing and not worry about embarassment. This weekend, taking out my CD26 for the first time. VERY cautious about backing, having read all of the scary stuff about backing a full keel and steering at the same time. Anyway, undo the dock lines, put the outboard in R, give it some throttle and push the tiller over easy to starboard. She promptly starts to drift to to starboard. More RPMs, no response. Lots of quite panic and help from friendly sailors in the marina to avoid grounding and we pull her back into the slip. I'm a rookie but I'm not that bad so I climb down the swim ladder and reach my foot down to feel for the prop. All I touch is a threaded shaft. Is there someone who goes around stealing these things? It was there last week when we put her in.
Anyway, does anyone have a source for a Yamaha 9.9 11-3/4 x 9-1/4-R prop? The original was plastic. Are there generic props that might fit the Yamaha shaft? The Yamaha dealer wants $75. Boat US and WM don't show anything like I've got.
Lost my prop
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Lost my prop
out of sight out of mind. unlikely the scuba equipped prop bandits hit your marina. more likely: no cotter pin in the castellated prop nut which backed off when you put it in reverse, then off came the prop. it sounds like it is not too deep. get a pair of fins, a mask and perhaps a dive belt with weights and look around on the bottom. i might look a fair distance, especially for 75 bucks.