On the Typhoon Sr, Does The Motor Well have a ..
Moderator: Jim Walsh
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Nov 20th, '05, 17:37
- Location: Minnesota, Interested in Cape Dory TY and TY Sr.
On the Typhoon Sr, Does The Motor Well have a ..
retractable mechanism that somehow slips the motor out the stern and into the water, or does the motor stay in the well?
At first I was thinking that the motor slipped out the back but upon 2nd thought it didn't make sense. Now I'm thinking that the motor might stay in the well, and is just raised and lowered into the water.
At first I was thinking that the motor slipped out the back but upon 2nd thought it didn't make sense. Now I'm thinking that the motor might stay in the well, and is just raised and lowered into the water.
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Nov 20th, '05, 17:37
- Location: Minnesota, Interested in Cape Dory TY and TY Sr.
Thanks for the info. Does Anyone Have a Photo of the Well?
Does anyone have a photo showing the well of the Ty Sr?
Does anyone have photos of their Typhoon or Ty Sr, interior, motor well, cockpit, etc, that may already be posted on the net somewhere? I've been browsing the boat.com type sites looking at photos. I've seen some gorgous Ty photos, not much of the cockpit, none of the cabin. I haven't found much on the TY SR. though.
Thanks, Scott
Does anyone have photos of their Typhoon or Ty Sr, interior, motor well, cockpit, etc, that may already be posted on the net somewhere? I've been browsing the boat.com type sites looking at photos. I've seen some gorgous Ty photos, not much of the cockpit, none of the cabin. I haven't found much on the TY SR. though.
Thanks, Scott
- winthrop fisher
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- Location: Typhoon Wk 75 "Easy Rider" &
cd 22 "Easy Rider Sr" 84
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Ty Senior Photos
Here are a few photos of my previous Ty Senior.
This one in particular shows the motor well.
http://www.thenittanygroup.com/puffin/i ... Engine.jpg
This one in particular shows the motor well.
http://www.thenittanygroup.com/puffin/i ... Engine.jpg
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Nov 20th, '05, 17:37
- Location: Minnesota, Interested in Cape Dory TY and TY Sr.
So Thats What The Motor Well Looks Like! I think its...
neat how the motor is hidden away like that. I never cared to have a motor hanging off the stern, distracts from the fine lines of the boat. I take it you just open the hatch cover, start the engine, put it in the desired gear, close hatch, steer. Does anyone ever have controls in the cockpit for the motor FWD/REV and speed? Sweet.
I've checked the Cape Dory Registry in hopes of finding a local TY Sr. boat that I could finagle a ride on next spring. No such luck. There are no TY Sr's in Minnesota.
I already asked Carol Robertshaw for a ride on her Typhoon Weekender next spring. I want to try out the Typhoon, TY Sr. and CD22 if possible before making a decision. I'll look at a TY Sr. and think thats the boat I want. Then I'll see some photos of a TY and say the same thing
I've checked the Cape Dory Registry in hopes of finding a local TY Sr. boat that I could finagle a ride on next spring. No such luck. There are no TY Sr's in Minnesota.
I already asked Carol Robertshaw for a ride on her Typhoon Weekender next spring. I want to try out the Typhoon, TY Sr. and CD22 if possible before making a decision. I'll look at a TY Sr. and think thats the boat I want. Then I'll see some photos of a TY and say the same thing

- RIKanaka
- Posts: 288
- Joined: Jun 8th, '05, 10:22
- Location: 1988 CD26 #73 "Moku Ahi" (Fireboat), Dutch Harbor, RI
Check out the Sea Sprite 23
Also an Alberg design, very similar in size to the Typhoon Sr. Also has the motor well that you desire. There was one parked next to my Weekender last spring. I often found myself wandering over to Sea Sprite to take closer looks at her in between my sanding and painting sessions. One very fine-looking boat, like an older, bigger brother to the Ty.
Bob Chinn
Bob Chinn
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Oct 3rd, '05, 13:11
- Location: '79 Typhoon Daysailer, "Miss Ty," Hull #21
MN Seasprite & CD22D
If you want to compare a Seasprite and CD22 head to head, both are on the hard at the Shorewood Yacht Club on Lake Minnetonka. The Seasprite 23 needs quite a bit of worrk, but the CD22 (with an inboard diesel) appears to be in good shape. A CD25 also is there, though I have heard it may not be in the best shape. For an idea on pricing: http://www.onboardsail.com/prod02.htm. BTW, is Carol the woman with the TY you mentioned in an earlier post?
If you want to compare a Seasprite and CD22 head to head, both are on the hard at the Shorewood Yacht Club on Lake Minnetonka. The Seasprite 23 needs quite a bit of worrk, but the CD22 (with an inboard diesel) appears to be in good shape. A CD25 also is there, though I have heard it may not be in the best shape. For an idea on pricing: http://www.onboardsail.com/prod02.htm. BTW, is Carol the woman with the TY you mentioned in an earlier post?
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Nov 20th, '05, 17:37
- Location: Minnesota, Interested in Cape Dory TY and TY Sr.
Seasprite info, Ty and TY Sr, And Carol R.
Thanks for the Seasprite 23 info. I see its a Carl Alberg design as well, and I can see the similarities. I found some Sprite photos on the internet. Still think the Ty or Ty Sr is for me.
Yes I've checked out that website for the Shorewood YC and saw the 22 and 25 as well. Too bad I wasn't ready, maybe the 22 would be for me, buts its too early, I"m still learning. I've lined up a ride on a Typhoon in spring with Carol. I'm still looking for a ride on a CD22 or TY Sr.
I saw that 22 had an inboard diesel. I'm hoping my next boat has a simple outboard, either sitting on the back of a Ty or in a motor well of a Ty Sr. I want the extra simpicity of an outboard. Its easy to winterize by just taking it off the boat and setting it in the basement
Yes Carol is the skipper I mentioned in the earlier post. I found her email addr in the Cape Dory Registory, contacted her, and have been asking questions about the Typhoon. She remembers when I sailed over and asked questions about her boat. Thinking back, I wonder if she was in the middle of a race... I suppose I was not only bugging her, I was covering her with a wind shadow as well. No wonder she remembered me
Hmmm, maybe the only reason she offered to take me out sailing is to hit me in the head with the boom for bugging her during a race 
I am so darn anxious to get out sailing on that Typhoon. This morning I found this gorgous Typhoon photo on the FORUM, its moored out on a beautiful blue lake, beautiful color shot, and I've made it my background now. Sigh....
Just in case I didn't say it, thanks Mike for sharing the photos of Puffin ! What a beautiful boat she is, and I understand that Dave H. you own her now. Wonder if you live close enough for me to wrangle a ride next spring. I'm so darn curious how the Ty and Ty Sr. sail. Thanks guys for all the great Ty and Ty Sr. discussion.
Yes I've checked out that website for the Shorewood YC and saw the 22 and 25 as well. Too bad I wasn't ready, maybe the 22 would be for me, buts its too early, I"m still learning. I've lined up a ride on a Typhoon in spring with Carol. I'm still looking for a ride on a CD22 or TY Sr.
I saw that 22 had an inboard diesel. I'm hoping my next boat has a simple outboard, either sitting on the back of a Ty or in a motor well of a Ty Sr. I want the extra simpicity of an outboard. Its easy to winterize by just taking it off the boat and setting it in the basement

Yes Carol is the skipper I mentioned in the earlier post. I found her email addr in the Cape Dory Registory, contacted her, and have been asking questions about the Typhoon. She remembers when I sailed over and asked questions about her boat. Thinking back, I wonder if she was in the middle of a race... I suppose I was not only bugging her, I was covering her with a wind shadow as well. No wonder she remembered me

I am so darn anxious to get out sailing on that Typhoon. This morning I found this gorgous Typhoon photo on the FORUM, its moored out on a beautiful blue lake, beautiful color shot, and I've made it my background now. Sigh....
Just in case I didn't say it, thanks Mike for sharing the photos of Puffin ! What a beautiful boat she is, and I understand that Dave H. you own her now. Wonder if you live close enough for me to wrangle a ride next spring. I'm so darn curious how the Ty and Ty Sr. sail. Thanks guys for all the great Ty and Ty Sr. discussion.
Hi Scott,
Yes, I am the new owner of Puffin, Ty sr. We sail on Lake Pepin, and I'd be happy to have you come sail with us next spring. I live in S. Minneapolis. I also sail a typhoon on Lake Harriett in Mpls. You can reach me at Bittergreen@mail.com or 612-331-9474.
Dave Hedlund
Yes, I am the new owner of Puffin, Ty sr. We sail on Lake Pepin, and I'd be happy to have you come sail with us next spring. I live in S. Minneapolis. I also sail a typhoon on Lake Harriett in Mpls. You can reach me at Bittergreen@mail.com or 612-331-9474.
Dave Hedlund
- Carter Brey
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- Location: 1982 Sabre 28 Mk II #532 "Delphine"
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Seasprite link
Here is the link for the Seasprite Association website:
Any information you need about the entire family of Seasprites is here.
Best regards,
Here is the link for the Seasprite Association website:
Any information you need about the entire family of Seasprites is here.
Best regards,
- Warren Kaplan
- Posts: 1147
- Joined: Feb 5th, '05, 11:44
- Location: Former owner of Sine Qua Non CD27 #166 1980 Oyster Bay Harbor, NY Member # 317
The first boat I ever owned was an SS 23. I got it way back in 19 and 72. It has lots of characteristics of most CDs, but of course it was designed by Alberg too. One of the reasons I have my current CD 27 is because after sailing on other designs, I always appreciated the Alberg SS 23.
I particularly remember, very early in my practical sailing career, when I was out sailing on Long Island Sound (out of Little Neck Bay then) a day when the wind rapidly strenghtened from about 10 knots to well over 20 knots (maybe 25 - 30). This all happened within 15-20 minutes. Uh...I hadn't mastered the art of reefing yet, and I sailed her back in under full sail. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a "lovely sail" but the boat handled it quite well, in spite of me being rather inept at the time.
They're good boats in areas where you'll have decent wind. If the wind in your sailing area is primarily quite light, this boat, like most CDs, is not terrific in light air.
I particularly remember, very early in my practical sailing career, when I was out sailing on Long Island Sound (out of Little Neck Bay then) a day when the wind rapidly strenghtened from about 10 knots to well over 20 knots (maybe 25 - 30). This all happened within 15-20 minutes. Uh...I hadn't mastered the art of reefing yet, and I sailed her back in under full sail. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a "lovely sail" but the boat handled it quite well, in spite of me being rather inept at the time.
They're good boats in areas where you'll have decent wind. If the wind in your sailing area is primarily quite light, this boat, like most CDs, is not terrific in light air.

"I desire no more delight, than to be under sail and gone tonight."
(W. Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice)
(W. Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice)
CD 22 for sale
There was a CD 22 for sale in Excelsior at Shorewood Yacht Club. Here's a link to check it out:
- Carter Brey
- Posts: 709
- Joined: Feb 5th, '05, 12:02
- Location: 1982 Sabre 28 Mk II #532 "Delphine"
City Island, New York - Contact:
Re: CD 22 for sale
If you click on that link and scroll down a bit, you'll see the world's only CD25 with 4 portlights, midboom sheeting, a cutter rig, and a club-footed staysail.
Naughty, naughty, Sailboats Brokers.com! You are totally busted!
Then again, I suppose you could look at it as an opportunity to buy a CD30 for $7,800.
Naughty, naughty, Sailboats Brokers.com! You are totally busted!
Then again, I suppose you could look at it as an opportunity to buy a CD30 for $7,800.