Topping lift and telltale question

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Jim Serra

Topping lift and telltale question

Post by Jim Serra »

I'm in the process of adding a topping lift to my Typhoon. Could someone recommend the proper diameter/type of line? Also, I would like to add telltales to my main and genoa. Is there a "preferred" placement for telltales on a sail?

Thank you.
Kurt Lyons

Re: Topping lift and telltale question

Post by Kurt Lyons »

Topping lift installation...I would suggest using 1/8" vinyl covered wire from the masthead down to within about a foot of where the boom will ride with the main up...then run a topping lift control line (5/16") from an eye strap on the end of the boom up through a small block fitted to the end of said wire and then back down to a turning block on the opposites side of the boom. From there run it forward on the boom to a convenient place where a small cleat can be installed to secure and adjust the height of the boom from the companionway. I have used this arrangement on two boats for the past 25 years and it works very well.
Mike Wainfeld

Re: Topping lift and telltale question

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Jib telltales, 3 pair, go 1/4 down from the head, 1/4 up from the tack, and in the middle, about 3" back from the luff. Main telltales stream off the leech.
My topping lift is just 1/4" dacron braid clipped to the end of the boom, led up to a block on the masthead, and down to a cleat on the boom. Its adjusted so that when I raise the main, it flaps loosely. So I don't have to adjust it every time.
Csptain Mike

Re: Topping lift and telltale question

Post by Csptain Mike »

Dear Sailor:
One thing to bear in mind is the topping lift may be required to substitute one day for a main halyard. I recommend the topping lift line to be the next step down in demension as your main halyard. Therefore if using 3/8ths line for the main then use 5/16th for the topping lift. Make sure your block at the mast head is anchored securely-using screws is not highly recommended. It is usually possible to drill through the mast head casting just aft of the backstay attachment and place a bolt. Shackle the block to this bolt. Place the cleat above the main halyard winch or cleat on starboard side of mast. Stagger the cleats for and aft so the lines do not cross each other.
I always thought telltales were whiskers?
Many happy repairs; Captain Mike
Jim Serra wrote: I'm in the process of adding a topping lift to my Typhoon. Could someone recommend the proper diameter/type of line? Also, I would like to add telltales to my main and genoa. Is there a "preferred" placement for telltales on a sail?

Thank you.
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