1999 Cape Dory/Robinhood Rendevous
August 6-8, 1999
Robinhood Marine Center
Georgetown, Maine
Here’s the latest information on the Cape Dory/Robinhood rendevous which will be held
at Robinhood Marine Friday, August 6th - Sunday, August 8th. Moorings and slips are
now available from Robinhood Marine by advance reservation. Moorings and slips
without electric will be $20 per night. Slips with electric are $1.50 per foot per night.
You can place your reservation with Robinhood Marine by calling 1-800-443-3625.
For those coming by land, we include a list of local Bed & Breakfasts and motels that
you can choose from. We invite anyone with an interest in Cape Dory/Robinhood
Yachts and Poweryachts to join us.
The event will officially begin on Saturday morning at 9:30 with greetings from many of
the Robinhood staff, including Cape Dory founder Andrew (Andy) Vavolotis. Following
Andy’s greetings, Dave Perry, director of sales at Robinhood Yacht Sales and long-time
sales director of Cape Dory Yachts will give a brief talk and respond to questions owners
may have about their yacht’s construction history, etc. Several of the craftspeople and
engineers who were directly involved in the construction of Cape Dory yachts are now
working at Robinhood either as part of the yard crew or in yacht construction. If you
have a late model CD, there is a good possibility you’ll meet someone involved in the
construction of your boat.
We’ll also have an opportunity to see a Robinhood 36 being built. Robinhood has
enough advance orders for us to be sure that a 36 will be under construction in early
We’ll have a Saturday afternoon group sail in the Sheepscot Bay. Those of you coming
by land can sail as guests of those who came by sea.
About five on Saturday afternoon we’ll have an outdoor gathering for socializing and
food and drink provided by The Osprey restaurant.
We’ll have an opportunity to say goodbye on Sunday morning with a continental
breakfast, again on the lawn overlooking Riggs Cove.
The total per person cost (not including slip/mooring rental fees) is $30 per person. This
includes the food and the labor costs involved in putting up the canopy that will offer
shade from the sun or protection from the rain, whichever might occur, and gratuities to
the dock crew who will be setting up the tables, chairs, etc., and then taking them down
again. Beer and wine will be available for $1.50 each at the Saturday dinner.
Please make your checks payable to Steve Files and mail them to Steve at:
PO Box 2149
Westfield MA 01086
Please write Cape Dory Rendevous on the “memo” or “for” line in the lower left hand
corner of your check. In order to give The Osprey ample time to order the food, Steve
must receive your check no later than July 15.
The idea for the rendevous came from Steve Files. Joe Wysong came aboard because
he has extensive “local knowledge” from keeping a 330 at Robinhood for almost a
As Joe will be heading for Robinhood about May 15, Steve will be the contact person
from then on. E-mail sent to Capedory@gestalt.org will be forwarded directly to Steve’s
address. If you need to reach Steve via the telephone, his number is 1-800-445-5980.
How to contact us:
via E-mail:
CapeDory@gestalt.org (messages sent here will be automatically forwarded to Steve).
by telephone:
Steve at: 1-800-445-5980 (home phone with voice mail backup)
by mail:
Steve Files
PO Box 2149
Westfield MA 01086
From the responses we’ve received in the last week, it appears that many of you will be
coming to the Cape Dory/Robinhood Rendevous by land rather than by sea. Here is a
list of local accommodations recommended by the Yacht Sales Division at Robinhood
Marine Center. As there are several activities of interest in the area the same weekend
as the rendevous (notably the annual Rockland Lobster Festival), we suggest you make
your reservations as early as possible -- you can always cancel them at a later date.
The following is an accommodations list for our area. In this list we have included only
those hotels and B&B’s that have been recommended by our clientele. For a more
complete list, please call the Bath-Brunswick Chamber of Commerce at 207-443-9751.
The Grey Havens
Seguinland Rd, Georgetown
Captain Daniel Stone Inn
10 Water St, Brunswick
Comfort Inn
199 Pleasant St, Brunswick
Parkwood Inn
Cook’s Corner, Brunswick
Freeport Inn & Café
US Rt 1, Freeport
Harraseeket Inn
162 Main St, Freeport
Bed & Breakfasts
360 Front St., Bath
The Fairhaven Inn
N. Bath Rd, Bath
The Inn at Bath
969 Washington St., Bath
Packard House
45 Pearl St., Bath
Brunswick B&B
165 Park Row, Brunswick
Harpswell Inn
141 Lookout Pt., Harpswell
Marston House
Main St.. Wicassett
A final addition that was not on the Robinhood Marine list:
Cozy Harbor Bed & Breakfast
PO Box 225
Southport ME 04576
Sandra Seifert, Proprietress
Cozy Harbor is a beautiful little place on the east side of Southport Island, just across
the Sheepscot from Robinhood Marine. Cozy Harbor B&B is on the water. By boat, it is
a short trip from Robinhood. By car, it can take an hour during August weekend traffic.
If you’re coming by boat and would enjoy spending a night or two ashore, this could be
the perfect spot. I spoke with Sandra Seifert and she said she might be able to arrange
for a mooring for someone staying there. A final plus, Sandra and her husband, Ralph,
are the original owners of a Cape Dory Motor Sailor.
Final Robinhood Rendevous Information
Moderator: Jim Walsh