help with Typhoon

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Russ Campbell

help with Typhoon

Post by Russ Campbell »

I am replacing the wood on the stern "poop deck" of a CD typhoon (I think 1979). I was wondering if the backstay chain plate is attached to a metal piece inside the boat. And how is it attached? Do the bolts run through and are secured with nuts or is the metal plate tapped. I have a hard time getting in there to see and nothing fell off when I undid the screws. Thanks
Brent Musolf

Re: help with Typhoon

Post by Brent Musolf »


I had a 1979 typhoon up until a few weeks ago and did much of the same work you are talking about. I had a 4 inch screw in inspection port behind the tiller. This made getting to the hardware somewhat managable. I found things that shocked me in there. I checked all the hardware and none of it was properly backed. many of the nuts had begun to get pulled into the fiberglass. I ended up backing most of the hardware. Never played with the back stay, but get in there and look at the rest of the hardware. I tend to sail in the heavy air quite a bit and broke one of the old schaffer stand up blocks and had to replace the entire system, that is how I first found the problem. It will be worth your time to look into this. This problem is not only limited to the stern I found that everything through bolted on my typhoon was lacking proper backing plates, so hunt around it could prevent a major failure in the future.

Brent Musolf
cyrus jordan

Re: help with Typhoon

Post by cyrus jordan »

I'll look tonight; but I think that the backstay is bolted into an integral plate of metal in the deck. The other hardware is not. Don't you have a little oval name plate behind the tiller that you can take off and get in to look?

I'll get back to you tomorrow about the backstay attachment.

cy jordan
Paul D.

Re: help with Typhoon

Post by Paul D. »


I just completed a complete refit of our typhoon including making a new taffrail teak board as you are. Mine is a 1976 weekender. When I pulled all of the hardware off, the only things that did not have any sort of washers or backing plates were the chainplates and the backstay chainplate. It was bolted into metal which is glassed into the stern of the boat. It looks pretty permanent! I just unscrewed the bronze bolts and when the new wooden piece was ready to be bedded, screwed them back in. I did much of the work for the blocks and cleats etc. inside on my back with a trusty helper screwing in from above. A little cramped but OK. So i had a very good look at what's back there. I have since sailed the boat and the backstay is still there. The shrouds seem to have a similar arrangement. Good luck with your project.

Paul Danicic
MPLS Minnesota
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