3 blade propeller for CD28, what size is best?

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3 blade propeller for CD28, what size is best?

Post by denny »

I'm planning to switch to a 3 blade prop on my CD28 with the standard volvo MD7A 13hp engine. My present prop is a 2 blade 13LH13 and it seems to do ok as far as engine loading and RPM are concerned, but after 10 years in the water it is time to look for a replacement.
If you are using a 3 blade prop with similar engine and hull such as the CD30 please provide your prop dimensions and experiences.

Thank you
Lee H. Hodsdon

Re: 3 blade propeller for CD28, what size is best?

Post by Lee H. Hodsdon »

Neil Gordon,

Re: 3 blade propeller for CD28, what size is best?

Post by Neil Gordon, »

>>I'm planning to switch to a 3 blade prop on my CD28 ...<<


>>... but after 10 years in the water it is time to look for a replacement.<<

Mine has been in since 1977, and seems just fine.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

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