Bottom paint question.

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Dennis Truett

Bottom paint question.

Post by Dennis Truett »

I am about to take off all applied material that now exists on my hull. I'm doing this for two reasons: First- Since the boat is new to me, I want to know exactly what is applied to the hull and how it was applied. Second: I have noticed that large patches of bottom paint (brown) have come off. What I have also noticed is that the gelcoate below the bottom paint is just as smooth and shinny as the hull above the waterline. I suspect that is why it's comming off.

My question is: wouldn't you expect this gelcoat to have been sanded
for the first application, and wouldn't that have been part of the delivery process back in 1981? If it is to be sanded... What grit paper should be used?

Thanks for your insight (I love this website!)
Dennis Truett CD22 hull #85
Matt Cawthorne

Re: Bottom paint question.

Post by Matt Cawthorne »

After we barrier coated my 1982 CD-36 about 5 or 6 years ago we washed the bottom, sanded the bottom with 120 grit and then wiped it down with solvent. Then I used some stuff called no-sand primer which theoretically will allow anything to stick. The stuff was very nasty. Get a really good respirator if you use it and don't buy too much. After the can is open it is only good for a week or so. The bottom was painted with Micron csc (three layers). When I think that the bottom paint is getting a little thin I add a coat (probably too often). Even with all of the preparation I still get paint flaking off in a few small patches now and again. Perhaps the paint is too thick.


Dennis Truett wrote: I am about to take off all applied material that now exists on my hull. I'm doing this for two reasons: First- Since the boat is new to me, I want to know exactly what is applied to the hull and how it was applied. Second: I have noticed that large patches of bottom paint (brown) have come off. What I have also noticed is that the gelcoate below the bottom paint is just as smooth and shinny as the hull above the waterline. I suspect that is why it's comming off.

My question is: wouldn't you expect this gelcoat to have been sanded
for the first application, and wouldn't that have been part of the delivery process back in 1981? If it is to be sanded... What grit paper should be used?

Thanks for your insight (I love this website!)
Dennis Truett CD22 hull #85
Mike Thorpe

Re: Bottom paint question.

Post by Mike Thorpe »


Your right it should have been sanded with the initial prep so better late than never. Use 80 grit ater stripping the bottom. Raise just enough tooth to give the paint something to adhere to.

I stripped the bottom of Lady Jane CD27 when I bought her for the same reason. I wanted to know what was there. Its a lot of work but worth it. I suggest that if you are going to go through all this work take the opportunity to barrier coat it before you paint. You'll get it back at resale and peace of mind until then. Also, use an ablative paint, use a differn't color for the 1st coat. Say red for the 1st coat and green for the next 2. After that only touch up the green where you can see red and never sand again.

Dennis Truett wrote: I am about to take off all applied material that now exists on my hull. I'm doing this for two reasons: First- Since the boat is new to me, I want to know exactly what is applied to the hull and how it was applied. Second: I have noticed that large patches of bottom paint (brown) have come off. What I have also noticed is that the gelcoate below the bottom paint is just as smooth and shinny as the hull above the waterline. I suspect that is why it's comming off.

My question is: wouldn't you expect this gelcoat to have been sanded
for the first application, and wouldn't that have been part of the delivery process back in 1981? If it is to be sanded... What grit paper should be used?

Thanks for your insight (I love this website!)
Dennis Truett CD22 hull #85
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