Base plate for mast

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Paul Scribner

Base plate for mast

Post by Paul Scribner »

I've demasted my CD28 and want to bring the main haylyard back to the cockpit. I heard (somewhere)that I could purchase a plate to go under the mast from which to attach a block. Any one have any info. on this?
Also, while I've got you, I want advice on which brand (type) of lazy jack works best with our rig. I'm determined to reduce my trips forward this next season.
Thanks as usual.
Paul Scribner
s/v Serenitas
Hull #205
Bob Ohler

Re: Base plate for mast

Post by Bob Ohler »

Try M & E Marine... I'm pretty sure they stock the plate that you're looking for.... 1-800-541-6501

D. Stump

Re: Lazy Jacks

Post by D. Stump »

Hanalei (CD-30) came with lazy jacks installed by the previous owner. I removed them as fast as I could! Reason - lazy jacks, if not properly secured when sailing, can hook a spreader when you tack and this will DISMAST!! the boat! To me they were just not worth the risk. If you are intrested in purchasing the used ones, let me know here.

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Neil Gordon

Re: Lazy Jacks

Post by Neil Gordon »


>>... can hook a spreader when you tack and this will DISMAST!! the boat!<<

I've never heard that one. How would that happen, exactly?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Larry DeMers

Re: Lazy Jacks

Post by Larry DeMers »

In contrast, I have used lazy jacks aboard DeLaMer (CD30) for 9 years, and would not be without them. They are always inplace, and do not come even remotely close to the spreaders, much less cause one to worry about them causing a rig failure (!!). I would suggest that Dave should think about using a very light and "fuzzy" finished line for his spreaders. This will cause little to no chafe problems, and be light enough in construction to break should they get tangled on anything. The chances of this happening are nil on my installation however.

The advantages of lazy jacks will come home to you when you lower sails in a large wind, and then have something else to do immedediately..we can leave the sails alone with no gaskets until there is time to handle them. The lazy jacks take care of the main very well.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
CD30 ~~~~~~Sailing Lake Superior~~~~~~~
D. Stump wrote: Paul,
Hanalei (CD-30) came with lazy jacks installed by the previous owner. I removed them as fast as I could! Reason - lazy jacks, if not properly secured when sailing, can hook a spreader when you tack and this will DISMAST!! the boat! To me they were just not worth the risk. If you are intrested in purchasing the used ones, let me know here.

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
warren stringer

Re: Lazy Jacks

Post by warren stringer »

Anyone have experience with the E-Z-Jax retractable lazyjack system? It sounds like an intriguing idea.
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