Question re Replacing motor mounts, engine alignment on CD22

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Jim S

Question re Replacing motor mounts, engine alignment on CD22

Post by Jim S »

I am in the process of replacing all four motor mounts on my CD22D. Two of the mounts were in poor condition and likely account for the vibration observed at idle speed. I replaced the cutless bearing two months ago. Have not had boat in the water yet. I suspect that it will be somewhat difficult for me to ensure that the engine has been aligned to ca. 0.002" due to the confined space I am dealing with. Would it be best for me to have a Yanmar mechanic do the alignment? Will it be necessary to re-align the engine when boat is launched and rigging is in place? Is it generally the case that the alignment changes on the hard vs. in the water? I know that if the alignment is not done correctly the end result will be engine vibration and damage to the cutless bearing. Please advise. Thanks.
Anthony P. Jeske

Re: Question re Replacing motor mounts, engine alignment on

Post by Anthony P. Jeske »

Yes, the alignment will change when the boat's in the water.
If you can't easily get to the coupler, unfortunately neither can the Yanmar mechanic. Would it help to mount the feeler gauge on long arms that would reach around the engine?
Good Luck,
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego
Jim S

Re: Question re Replacing motor mounts, engine alignment on

Post by Jim S »


Access to the coupler is (appears to be) from the panel opening of either of the quarter berths. It would not be possible (at least for me) to reach the coupler from the front of the engine or for that matter, to see what I would be doing even if the feeler gauge was attached to some sort of extender. I guess that I will get it aligned as close as I can while on the hard and then re-check the alignment when boat is launched. Do you know if the alignment is best checked with the four mounting bolts for the coupling completely removed or should the bolts be placed in position and maintained just finger tight during the alignment process? Thanks.


Anthony P. Jeske wrote: Jim:
Yes, the alignment will change when the boat's in the water.
If you can't easily get to the coupler, unfortunately neither can the Yanmar mechanic. Would it help to mount the feeler gauge on long arms that would reach around the engine?
Good Luck,
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego
Anthony P. Jeske

Re: Question re Replacing motor mounts, engine alignment on

Post by Anthony P. Jeske »

I aligned the engine on a CD-28 I used to own. I did not have bolts in the coupling when I did it. The 25D I now own has a much more cramped engine space, I can appreciate the access problems you are facing on the 22D.
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