cd22 outboard relocation possible?

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Post by Terry »

craig wrote:
Scott MacCready wrote: Here's another cd22 I believe with the outboard. Sorry I don't have what you're looking for.

scott you about have them all. the last one is a cape dory 22 with the outboard in the factory position. my question to anyone out there is this: did anyone attempt to move the outboard to the aft locker? thanks for the nice pictures. thats three more cape dories than in the entire state of minnesota.
The CD22 has the same hull as the Ty,Sr., but the rest of the boat, particularly down below follows the larger Cape Dory standard of finish and appointments. Also the jib is non fractional, unlike the Typhoons.
There is no motor well on the CD 22. A lazarette or hatched locker is aft the cockpit for storage, and I know of no CD 22 owner who has taken a knife to it!
You will find the setup you are looking for with the Seasprite 23, another Alberg design, which has the OB in a stern well. CD 22s are either inboard diesel for the 22D or outboard bracket for the straight 22.
Good luck with your search.
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