Volvo Diesel

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Dixon Duffett

Volvo Diesel

Post by Dixon Duffett »

Good Morning--
Two questions:
Was sailing my recently acquired CD30 and had engine problems. A biot of intermittent surging and then it quit. The engine is a Volvo diesel. Thinking fuel I relaced fuel filter, checked screen in lift pump and changed filter in water/fuel separator. Could not move fule with hand pump to vent/bleed system so am thinking bad fuel pump.

First question: I sat in Annapolis Md for 3 days and could not get anyone to service. Only one of 4 that I called returned the call. Can anyone recommend VOlvo desel service in the Annapolis area?

Second question: If you know of a local (greater Annap are) or mail order source for parts for this engine, would you please send me a post withthe info. Thanks, Dixon Duffett
Bob Ohler

Re: Volvo Diesel

Post by Bob Ohler »

There are two really good mechanicks in the Annapolis area. I have heard very good reports on both of them. Try Harvey Smith (I think it is Annapolis Marine, his phone number is up at the boat) and the other is Chris Oliver. If you can locate either of these two guys, I think that they will get you running again.

Bob Ohler
CD30 # 335
sv "Aloha Spirit"

Dixon Duffett wrote: Good Morning--
Two questions:
Was sailing my recently acquired CD30 and had engine problems. A biot of intermittent surging and then it quit. The engine is a Volvo diesel. Thinking fuel I relaced fuel filter, checked screen in lift pump and changed filter in water/fuel separator. Could not move fule with hand pump to vent/bleed system so am thinking bad fuel pump.

First question: I sat in Annapolis Md for 3 days and could not get anyone to service. Only one of 4 that I called returned the call. Can anyone recommend VOlvo desel service in the Annapolis area?

Second question: If you know of a local (greater Annap are) or mail order source for parts for this engine, would you please send me a post withthe info. Thanks, Dixon Duffett
Mark YAshinsky

Re: Volvo Diesel

Post by Mark YAshinsky »

Did you have any water in the separator before changing the filter??? Any crud on the lift pump screen??? Could you look in the old filter you removed??? Was it filthy??? Might have a dirt/bug problem in the fuel tank. Search thru the archives about this. Is the manual pump on an engine driven lift pump??? If so, try bumping the starter as the rocker arm of the lift pump could be on a high spot and preventing you from manually pumping the lift pump.
Richard Bell

Re: Volvo Diesel

Post by Richard Bell »

Dixon Duffett wrote: Good Morning--
Two questions:
Was sailing my recently acquired CD30 and had engine problems. A biot of intermittent surging and then it quit. The engine is a Volvo diesel. Thinking fuel I relaced fuel filter, checked screen in lift pump and changed filter in water/fuel separator. Could not move fule with hand pump to vent/bleed system so am thinking bad fuel pump.

First question: I sat in Annapolis Md for 3 days and could not get anyone to service. Only one of 4 that I called returned the call. Can anyone recommend VOlvo desel service in the Annapolis area?

Second question: If you know of a local (greater Annap are) or mail order source for parts for this engine, would you please send me a post withthe info. Thanks, Dixon Duffett

There is a guy here in Texas who is an expert with these motors, he can probably help you over the phone in a pinch! He has saved me time and money on numerous occasions!

John Howie 361 775 0116
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