Read Warren Kaplan's account of "<a href=" ... html">Cape Dory Rendezvous 2002 -- Western Long Island Sound</a>" which took place July 28-31.
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Story of the Western Long Island Sound Rendezvous
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Story of the Western Long Island Sound Rendezvous
Great review of our Western Long Island Sound Rendezvous !!!!!! Thanks for being our “Host” at Oyster Bay, a better anchorage and better company would be hard to find.
I’ll get back to you regarding the fees for taxi service
There is no doubt that everyone involved had a great time. The cocktailing was superb, conversations stimulating and Bruce’s meal sensational !!!!!
I would agree that Holly may have had the best time, and continued to “swim” her way east to meet up with the Eastern contingent.
Perhaps Julie and Holly will have to share the “the most improved crew member” award
As to our “group sail” ( one’s blood cannot help boiling over when another CD sets sail for a common mark). Hat’s off to Jay Isbister Aries CD 30, and his crew!!!!!!
mmmmmm Picking on the Fleet Captain, a lonely SOLO CD 30 MK II, might be asking for trouble :_)
Jay and that ringer crew sailed like the devil, and blew right by me!!!! What I was yelling to Jay was “ This is not fair.....drag Lance behind you !!! “ At any rate Jay was a true gentleman, as he approached the finish line ( of course this was not a RACE ), he came about and sailed back to the fleet!!!!!! Thereby not embarrassing the Fleet Captain with a defeat !!!!!!!
Dinner at Sheffield could not have been better, what a location, and a view hard to beat!!!! There is something comforting in looking out to the anchorage and seeing a fleet of CD’s
Thanks to all who participated. For those who had to head back to other commitments, we missed you as some of us continued East ending up in Onset!!! What a summer!!!!
I finally made it back to Norwalk Sept 1st, after sharing the company of many CDSOA members and great sailing I fear this winter will be a long one.
Let’s look forward to planning next years Rendezvous!!!!!
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Norwalk, CT
Fleet Captain
Great review of our Western Long Island Sound Rendezvous !!!!!! Thanks for being our “Host” at Oyster Bay, a better anchorage and better company would be hard to find.
I’ll get back to you regarding the fees for taxi service

There is no doubt that everyone involved had a great time. The cocktailing was superb, conversations stimulating and Bruce’s meal sensational !!!!!
I would agree that Holly may have had the best time, and continued to “swim” her way east to meet up with the Eastern contingent.
Perhaps Julie and Holly will have to share the “the most improved crew member” award

As to our “group sail” ( one’s blood cannot help boiling over when another CD sets sail for a common mark). Hat’s off to Jay Isbister Aries CD 30, and his crew!!!!!!
mmmmmm Picking on the Fleet Captain, a lonely SOLO CD 30 MK II, might be asking for trouble :_)
Jay and that ringer crew sailed like the devil, and blew right by me!!!! What I was yelling to Jay was “ This is not fair.....drag Lance behind you !!! “ At any rate Jay was a true gentleman, as he approached the finish line ( of course this was not a RACE ), he came about and sailed back to the fleet!!!!!! Thereby not embarrassing the Fleet Captain with a defeat !!!!!!!
Dinner at Sheffield could not have been better, what a location, and a view hard to beat!!!! There is something comforting in looking out to the anchorage and seeing a fleet of CD’s
Thanks to all who participated. For those who had to head back to other commitments, we missed you as some of us continued East ending up in Onset!!! What a summer!!!!
I finally made it back to Norwalk Sept 1st, after sharing the company of many CDSOA members and great sailing I fear this winter will be a long one.
Let’s look forward to planning next years Rendezvous!!!!!
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Norwalk, CT
Fleet Captain