who will be the luck 777,777

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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who will be the luck 777,777

Post by mike »

we've really passed some neat numbers on this list.

this one's gotta be lucky for someone.

how about a shirt or hat for them Walt?

yves feder W1UX

Re: who will be the luck 777,777

Post by yves feder W1UX »

mike wrote: we've really passed some neat numbers on this list.

this one's gotta be lucky for someone.

how about a shirt or hat for them Walt?
Already got a neat CD shirt AND hat!!! (and Burgee!) Let's just drink to the special occasion! Sure feels neat. Whew! Better than watching my auto odometer go over 77,777,7!!!!!!

Best to all on this wonderful board!

S/V "Alphee" CD27 #4 (18) (1977)

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