Hummingbird GPS

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Hummingbird GPS

Post by Joel »

The boat I'm looking at has a Hummimghbird GPS with chart plotter. Is anyone familiar with this unit? I tried a Google search and couldn't come up with any current dealers or the manufacturer. Are hummingbirds extinct?

Thanmks for any input,

Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
Ken Coit

Re: Hummingbird GPS

Post by Ken Coit »


They seem to be alive and well. See the link below.

Dealer list:

Keep on sailing,

Joel wrote: The boat I'm looking at has a Hummimghbird GPS with chart plotter. Is anyone familiar with this unit? I tried a Google search and couldn't come up with any current dealers or the manufacturer. Are hummingbirds extinct?

Thanmks for any input,

Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
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