CD26-outboard fit question...

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CD26-outboard fit question...

Post by JimL »

Since the 28 I was excited about turned out to be a very expensive problem boat....and it won't fit my slip anyway, I'm realizing a good 26 or 27 may be my best bet. I'm looking into a 26 that might be a nice one, and is within "shipping reach/cost" for me. Has anyone tried fitting one of the newer 4-stroke outboards in one? Any thoughts appreciated.

This bigger boat itch sure is rough on a guy.
Regards, JimL

Re: CD26-outboard fit question...

Post by chuck »

JimL wrote: Since the 28 I was excited about turned out to be a very expensive problem boat....and it won't fit my slip anyway, I'm realizing a good 26 or 27 may be my best bet. I'm looking into a 26 that might be a nice one, and is within "shipping reach/cost" for me. Has anyone tried fitting one of the newer 4-stroke outboards in one? Any thoughts appreciated.

This bigger boat itch sure is rough on a guy.
Regards, JimL
Jim, I put a new Nissan 4 stroke in our CD25 well with no problem. The tiller handel folds back far enough to allow the cover to close completely. I cut the wooden mount down about 2" (for a short shaft) like Jon suggested. Works good. Hope this helps. The bigger boat itch is probable coming here also. PS. I've got the PVC GPS mount completed, thanks again.

Re: CD26-outboard fit question...

Post by Dana »


Yes, the CD26 will take the new 4-strokes. I have had a 9.9 Yamaha four stroke in my CD26 since 85 and just replaced it with a 2001 model.

[img] ... ngwell.jpg[/img]

Thank you, gentlemen!

Post by JimL »

Now if I can work it out to get one.....
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