CD25 manual

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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James Hurd

CD25 manual

Post by James Hurd »

I was going through the message board and saw that Jeff Funston has a scanned CD25 manual he is willing to share. I am hoping to purchase a CD25 in the not too distant future and would like any information I can collect. Jeff, if you could send it to me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

BTW, I've been enjoying reading all the messages regarding the Cape Dorys and look forward to the day when I can join your ranks as a Cape Dory owner!

Thanks for your help!

John M Freeman

Re: CD25 manual

Post by John M Freeman »

James, I have a copy of the CD25 manual that was just mailed to me by Bruce Lumsden, I have yet to scan it, but if you would like a copy, let me know, I will send a paper and a computer copy.
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