engine bracket for Typhoon

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engine bracket for Typhoon

Post by waugh »

does anyone know where I could find a bracket to house an outboard for a Typhoon Weekender. Unbelievable as it may sound, I left the original bracket (cast iron with wooden platform for the outboard braces) with a local woodworker so he could replace the wood platform and his shop (and entire adjacent house) burnt down. If my original bracket didn't melt, it's under a massive pile of rouble and effectively non-retreivable.

Thanks to anyone with any ideas on this replacment.

Bristol Bronze

Re: engine bracket for Typhoon

Post by Bristol Bronze »

waugh wrote: does anyone know where I could find a bracket to house an outboard for a Typhoon Weekender. Unbelievable as it may sound, I left the original bracket (cast iron with wooden platform for the outboard braces) with a local woodworker so he could replace the wood platform and his shop (and entire adjacent house) burnt down. If my original bracket didn't melt, it's under a massive pile of rouble and effectively non-retreivable.

Thanks to anyone with any ideas on this replacment.
Dear Sir:

We make a sturdier version of the original Bronze outboard motor bracket for your Typhoon. The original brackets were not quite strong enough for todays more powerful engines and tended to bend in time. We have solved that problem. At present we have three of the brackets (our part # BB0289) on hand and can get one off to you whenever you want.

If you would like to place an order you can do so by using the order form that is part of our web site or if you wish you can call me at 401-625-5224. We also make Bronze Builder's Plates to replace the plastic one on you boat as well as Bronze ports with real glass to replace the original plastic ones.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze

patrick carrico

Re: engine bracket for Typhoon

Post by patrick carrico »

waugh wrote: does anyone know where I could find a bracket to house an outboard for a Typhoon Weekender. Unbelievable as it may sound, I left the original bracket (cast iron with wooden platform for the outboard braces) with a local woodworker so he could replace the wood platform and his shop (and entire adjacent house) burnt down. If my original bracket didn't melt, it's under a massive pile of rouble and effectively non-retreivable.

Thanks to anyone with any ideas on this replacment.

dear waugh: on this board, on july 28,2002,les bloom (jlbloom@earthlink net)posted following: "For sale: one Typhoon outboard motor mount and transom bracket. Manufactured by Handy Boat Services, Inc., Falmouth, Me. In excellent condition. Best offer over $175 plus shipping fees."

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