Ty - Wet Spot In Hull Above Rudder

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Ty - Wet Spot In Hull Above Rudder

Post by Roger »

The top of the rudder on my Ty is about 4 1/2 inches long. Right above it the hull comes to a point and then flares upward into the bottom of the counter (well - strictly the counter is above the waterline, and the wet hull area I am talking about is below the waterline). Anyway, this point is wet. I have determined the "wetness" is coming from my bilge - when my bilge gets water in it, water seeps into this point in the hull. (I drilled a few small holes in the wet area, let in dry out, taped some plastic over the holes and watched for several days as no moisture collected behind the plastic until I put some water in the bilge - then walla, in several hours I had moisture behind the plastic. My bilge ends about where the rudder post exits the hull, and this wet area is just behind this exit point.)
1. Has anyone else had this problem?
2. Does anyone have any suggestions how to properly fix it?

The rest of my hull is in good condition. Thanks very much for your suggestions! Roger

Javier Morales

Re: Ty - Wet Spot In Hull Above Rudder

Post by Javier Morales »

Dear Roger:

I've had a Typhoon for several years but have not come across this matter. My boat is in a slip in tropical waters and I don't have the opportunity to observe it when "dry" unless I haul it out (done infrequently).

If your observations are correct you may have a delamination problem that may run between bilge and the "wet" area. If this goes thru the hull.... the problem may be "muy grande señor"...

If available in your area I would have a pro check the area and give you his/her best advice. The boat may need surgery...

Last year I did a lot of work in my Typhoon. I had lost my rudder (corrosion and/or electrolysis...) and had to build one with the information this site provided. I painted the topsides and worked in the keel fixing some ulcers... as I was opening up the area in the keel where I found heavy "hollowness", by way of the sound when you knocked on it, I found a big,... very big area of delamination. The books say to dry it (several months....) and then to fix it properly. In two weeks the boat was in the water again, after having fixed the area where I found the most problem. Next time the boat comes out of the water I will give it follow up. If I was going to do the proper thing I would not have sailed for a long, loooong time. It was a choice, not the most proper one.

Good luck with yours.

"Aloha IV" Ty 1978

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