CD27 or CD28 singlehanding?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


Re: CD27 or CD28 singlehanding?

Post by chuck »

Greg Phillips wrote:
JimL (Leininger) wrote: I'd really like to hear some comments regarding single-handing these models. I'm in a 26 foot slip (allows 3' overhang), so I'm considering moving up to a larger CD. I'll stay with these Cape Dorys cause my old joints don't like the bouncy ride of all these "California" boats! I am concerned about handling the larger mainsails....left shoulder is a little wimpy from too many motorcycle crashes.
JimL, Thanks for your info on all the uses of PVC 40 last week. I am suprised to see this possible change after all you've done with the CD25. but life always changes, for us all. Thanks for allthe great info, and we'll hopefully be making similar changes in another year or so. Stop by and see us next time you are in Texas. Chuck
Greg Phillips wrote:
JimL (Leininger) wrote: thanks for comments/suggestions!
JimL, CD25 #21
Jim, Please don't move up a larger CD. I'm afraid if you do your numerous and valuable posts concerning your CD25 will end. I've "ridden (sailed) your coattails" while redoing Linda Lou since you began contributing to this board. Seriously, good luck with the research and thanks again for sharing your work and ideas.

Greg Phillips
CD25 Linda Lou
Al Levesque

Re: CD27 or CD28 singlehanding?

Post by Al Levesque »

JimL (Leininger) wrote: I'd really like to hear some comments regarding single-handing these models.....
Singlehanding is largely a matter of attitude. I have singlehanded our CD33 for several years and singlehanded a variety of boats before that.

Recently our club acquired 14 foot sail boats for member use. I have sailed them and am amazed at how much more work they are to sail compared to the CD33. Two hours on a 14 footer is more tiring than I could get on a series of 12 hour days on the CD33.

A boat the size of a CD27 or CD28 can be left to itself a lot more than you would think. Balancing the helm with the sails can give a lot of free time even if some speed is lost. Reducing sails can ease a lot of the strain of heavy weather. Simplifying rig for the old basic essentials does make life simpler. On the other hand, winches can do all of the heavy lifting and pulling if you get the boat in position so you have the time to wait until you finish.

Good luck on your decision.
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