One Last Question on Stuffing Box

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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One Last Question on Stuffing Box

Post by Jim »

I plan to pack the two outer rings using 1/4" teflon packing (Tef pack from West Marine). I bought the "green goop" (green moldable, dripless packing with lubricant from West Marine--hope this is the right stuff)for the center ring. This is what others on this board have recommended. I have prop shaft currently out of boat (CD22D) as it was just replaced (new bronze). My question is-- can I pack the rings in the packing nut on the workbench or is there a reason to have the packing nut in place on the shaft? It will be alot easier to do this process on a bench and then slide the packing nut onto the shaft before connecting the shaft to the flange coupling. I had planned to use a short length of 1" pipe as a guide for installing the rings within the packing nut. Please advise. Thanks.

Re: One Last Question on Stuffing Box

Post by Boyd »

Hi Jim...

Sounds like you got the same stuff I used. I think that packing the nut first and removing the pipe then later inserting the prop shaft could work. However this seems risky to me since it is possible to damage the packing during the pipe removal and shaft insertion process. The end of my shaft had a keyway cut in that could damage the packing if slid thru. Also when I packed the whole thing up I made sure that the shaft got well lubed with the blue teflon grease. You may lose that as you slide the shaft back in. Unless access is impossible I would prefer to pack it after the shaft is in place and just accept difficult working conditions. Sure would be miserable if it leaked after all that work. If you do it and it works let us know.

s/v Tern
CD 30 MkII
Fort Lauderdale, Fla

Jim wrote: I plan to pack the two outer rings using 1/4" teflon packing (Tef pack from West Marine). I bought the "green goop" (green moldable, dripless packing with lubricant from West Marine--hope this is the right stuff)for the center ring. This is what others on this board have recommended. I have prop shaft currently out of boat (CD22D) as it was just replaced (new bronze). My question is-- can I pack the rings in the packing nut on the workbench or is there a reason to have the packing nut in place on the shaft? It will be alot easier to do this process on a bench and then slide the packing nut onto the shaft before connecting the shaft to the flange coupling. I had planned to use a short length of 1" pipe as a guide for installing the rings within the packing nut. Please advise. Thanks.
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