Moosehead Lake, Maine

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Scott MacCready, New Ber

Moosehead Lake, Maine

Post by Scott MacCready, New Ber »

Anyone know if Moosehead Lake, Maine is navigatable for a CD25? thanks,Scott
yves feder W1UX

Re: Moosehead Lake, Maine

Post by yves feder W1UX »

Scott MacCready, New Bern,NC wrote: Anyone know if Moosehead Lake, Maine is navigatable for a CD25? thanks,Scott
We spend some time every year in Greenville, and yes indeed this 40 mi. long lake is OK - but watch the controlling depths! You can get an Army Corps of Engineers chart I think with all the depths and shoals, etc. - I remember seeing it a couple of years back.

There are some fairly decent vessels living there.

Good luck - a gorgeous place!
S/V "Alphee" CD27 #4 (1977)
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