Update on the Honda 5 HP 4 stroke

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Update on the Honda 5 HP 4 stroke

Post by Eric »

Had a very nice weekend with Jon Ring and Sovereign this weekend, and also got the opportunity to use (for the first time) my new Honda 5 HP 4-stroke on Allia (CD 25). Overall I was very happy. There were ZERO emissions. I never once smelled a thing. NO kidding.

Engine is much quieter than the Mariner 2-stroke 9.p HP (when it ran) engine. I motored for about 3 hours on sunday and used about a gallon of gas. Maybe less. The engine pushed ALlia at hull speed in slack conditions and dropped down to about 4 knots when going into a 10-knot breeze wiht 2-foot chop. That seems acceptable to me.

The only downside continues to be the location/design of the tiller. Following the advice of somone on this board, I did figure out how to fit the tiller through the openining below the traveller. However, to get the tiller through the engine has to be turned at about at 30 degree angle to starboard, meaning the boat will go in circles. I am not about to run around with a weather helm under power, so that doesn't work for me. I can probably improve the situations with some modifications to the mounting block in the well, but I don't think it will ever run straight.

Per Jon's suggestion, I think the only real solution is to mount the throttle in the cockpit. that will probably be a winter project. IN the mean time, I have to leave the tiller sticking straight up in the air, leaving the well cover open about 6 inches. I will, of course, have to be careful not to step on top of it for the rest of the summer. Oh well. There are worse things, I suppose.


Eric Woodman
Owner S/V CD25 Allia
Manchester, MA

Scott MacCready

Re: Update on the Honda 5 HP 4 stroke

Post by Scott MacCready »

I'm surprised you're having problems with your tiller arm. I have a honda 5hp in my'78 CD25. It's a tight fit; in fact the tiller is right up against the port side of the opening, however the engine is straight.
One thing I did just think of though...I have no teak around that opening...just bare fiberglass. Maybe that's the difference.

jim stull

Re: Update on the Honda 5 HP 4 stroke

Post by jim stull »

Hi Eric
We installed the 8HP Honda in our CD25. I don't know how much bigger it is than the 5. However what we did was remove the drop board tracks from the well mouth. We made new tracks which fit on the cockpit side of the well. We made new drop boards which completly close off the mouth of the well (except for a small opening for the tiller and the shift lever),as well as added sound proofing to the new boards and to the inside of the well. The bypass exhaust fumes are ducted out thru one of the vents in the cover. This setup is whisper quiet with the Honda.

Scott MacCready

Re: soundproofing

Post by Scott MacCready »

I'm curious what you used for soundproofing. I don't have any, nor do I have drop boards. Even with a four stroke it's pretty loud in the cockpit.

jim stull

Re: soundproofing

Post by jim stull »

Hi Scott
I bought the stuff that Defender sells for this purpose. I did not want the weight of the better (more expensive) lead based material but the stuff I got works well. It is about 3/4 inch thick, quilted silver on the face. It comes in a roll with some sort of "flanged nails". I saw no way to use these so I "glued" the stuff in place.

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