exaust from outboard in cockpit

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tom basham

exaust from outboard in cockpit

Post by tom basham »

My cape dory 25 has an 8 hp Johnson. Unfortunately the exhaust exits into the cockpit. It could be that the outboard is too far down in the water, but after raising it another inch above the ooutboard mount in the lazarette, it still smokes us out. Help! The outboard is only a 1996, so I don't think its the mix, richness, etc. Besides, it shouldn't be shooting the exhaust back into the cockpit even while under way. I do have a dodger up, but that shouldn't affect it. Any advice is welcome--I can't be the only one with this problem.


Re: exaust from outboard in cockpit

Post by Jon »


I also have an 8hp Johnson (2cycle)in my CD25. The exhaust is coming from the UPPER exhaust port, on the center of the back of the motor near the water tail. You'll need to put a fitting over it and run a plastic tube down and out of the well to keep this exhaust out of the well and cockpit.

The upper exhaust is there to facilitate cold starting by reducing backpressure (don't just plug it up).

All the best,
CD25 Sovereign

Re: exaust from outboard in cockpit

Post by Dana »

A common problem with outboard engine wells. You will need to get the idle exhaust outside of the engine well. As pointed out the best way is to install a short piece of hose which will needs to be connected to the idle exhaust port and run down and out of the aft side of the engine well opening. You may need to epoxy in a short section of aluminum or SS tube (hobby shop) into the exhaust port. Slip a hose over it, clamp it.

take a look at the bottom web link to see an example on my Yamaha 9.9.
(although you will see an additional hose which is cylinder blowby gas) just look at the hose on the very back of the engine...


tom basham wrote: My cape dory 25 has an 8 hp Johnson. Unfortunately the exhaust exits into the cockpit. It could be that the outboard is too far down in the water, but after raising it another inch above the ooutboard mount in the lazarette, it still smokes us out. Help! The outboard is only a 1996, so I don't think its the mix, richness, etc. Besides, it shouldn't be shooting the exhaust back into the cockpit even while under way. I do have a dodger up, but that shouldn't affect it. Any advice is welcome--I can't be the only one with this problem.

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