Hand signals for bow to stern communication

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Hand signals for bow to stern communication

Post by Rachel »

My boyfriend owns a CD25 and I am learning how to bring the boat into harbor under motor. We are interested in developing an efficient way to communicate bow to stern about traffic and the motor. I suggested using hand signals rather than yelling over the sound of the motor and wind. Does anyone know if standard hand signals exist?
Ken Coit

Re: Hand signals for bow to stern communication

Post by Ken Coit »


Try the link below for a thread on this board about hand signals. I think there have been articles in Sail and Cruising World as well. Having tried shouting, I recommend signalling.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Rachel wrote: My boyfriend owns a CD25 and I am learning how to bring the boat into harbor under motor. We are interested in developing an efficient way to communicate bow to stern about traffic and the motor. I suggested using hand signals rather than yelling over the sound of the motor and wind. Does anyone know if standard hand signals exist?

Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Rachel, my mind races with this one........

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »


Actually yelling and screaming between helmsman and mate while proceeding into an anchorage is an accepted entertainment diversion for all of us that are already at anchor! I mean, sometimes it is REALLY FUNNY to watch what goes on.

Your best bet is to devise your own recognized hand signals, make sure you both know what they mean and then use them. Of course, you will NOT get a rousing chear from all of us who are already at anchor, 'cause ya will NOT be entertaining!

One funny thing I saw once in St Martin, was a couple anchoring a power boat in front of a restuarant on the French side. This guy stops the boat, walks to the bow and throws the anchor off the bow. He then proceeds to cleat it off straight up and down! ! Ya can just imagine what is going to happen! His mate, in a nice bikini, dives in the water and swims to shore. He climbs into the dingy and motors in with her dry cover-up. You guessed it, they sit down in the restuarant, order drinks, and look at their boat. It is slowly drifting down the coast. So, he jumps up, runs down to the beach, jumps in the dingy and goes out to retrieve the boat. He hauls in the anchor and motors back to in front of the restuarant, leaving the anchor and rode on deck. When he gets to where he wants to be he jumps over the windshield, slides onto the foredeck and KICKS the anchor overboard with his bare foot. He didn't need ANY hand signals, you could hear the swearing from the resturant, and he just sat down on deck and I believed cried in pain!!!

Some suggestions: Hand straight down - stop the boat! Hand overhead - slow ahead! Arm out to Port - turn to Port. Arm to Starboard - turn to Starboard. No signal - continue what you are doing!

Of course there are other hand signals to be used to answer all those hoots and hollers ya get from those of us watching, but I believe they are pretty universal.. although sometimes rude!

Have fun with it......your servant,......I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
Nautical Traditions Officer
Larry DeMers

Re: Hand signals for bow to stern communication

Post by Larry DeMers »


You are to be commended for trying to find a way to communicate silently, while motoring or even anchoring. Having done this all of our sailing time, we can recommend it highly also.
(Good idea on the link to the archives, Ken)

I can tell you that as you gain experience with sailing, you will inevitably encounter the boat that shouts everything! It is incredible how intrusive and obvious these folks become instantly. Picture 40 eyeballs on them at once..perversely enjoying the 'entertainment'. Their voices ringing off the surrounding hills so they can be heard over that loud Volvo..every comment, our loud boat approaches. Why the ducks duck, the geese fly, the loons leave and the sea of peace and tranquillity are not so for all partakers in this moment.
Heck, use your hands instead!

Somehow, a sign language or handsignal system used in place of verbal comms seems more in fitting with sailing anyway. So enjoy the silent approach and have fun!


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Sailing Lake Superior -finally!

Rachel wrote: My boyfriend owns a CD25 and I am learning how to bring the boat into harbor under motor. We are interested in developing an efficient way to communicate bow to stern about traffic and the motor. I suggested using hand signals rather than yelling over the sound of the motor and wind. Does anyone know if standard hand signals exist?

Gary McDonough

Re: Hand signals for bow to stern communication

Post by Gary McDonough »


Another suggestion that I've seen people do is to use a two way radio such as the Motorola Talkabout. That way you can communicate and even sort of yell and swear at each other without others knowing. I remember a few years ago I saw a couple heading up to a mooring with radios hooked up to headsets.


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