Log Impeller - out of through hull

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Log Impeller - out of through hull

Post by Bill »

Hello all...greetings from Maine. Need help...again etc. Problem in my new/old boat (recently purchased) is that the log (speed) impeller is out of the through hull and in its place is something much like the depth sounder transducer next to it. Launch time is soon. No instructions on the Datamarine Corinthian II transducer installation. Need to replace the whole thing or have it repaired. Can I launch with whatever is in there now? Sounds like a silly question when I pose it. Whatsayeth thou? Thanks. Bill....


Re: Log Impeller - out of through hull

Post by len »


i have the same instruments - the log comes with a plug (so you can pull the impeller if it gets fouled and not sink the boat!) - maybe you are looking at that from underneath - you should be able to access it from inside the boat, it is held in place with a pin - if you don't have the impeller, i imagine you can buy one from a datamarine supplier, within the past month there was a post on the board about a dealer in pocasset (not the original datamarine) - there should be a connection near the impeller so you don't have to run the wire all the way back to the readout - hope this helps


Bill S.

Re: Log Impeller - out of through hull

Post by Bill S. »

Sounds like the log was replaced with a plug. The question is: Does it leak? If it does not leak from the inside out (use a garden hose while out of the water to check) then it may not leak from the outside in. Watch it to be certain after launching. If you want to be sure, fill the hole with epoxy and fiberglass over it. If you want to know your speed, find the log that fits (if available) and re-install. I've done both to other boats without sinking them. Happy sailing.

Bill S.
SV D.Ann (CD 28)
Vero Beach FL

Joe Mac Phee

Re: Log Impeller - out of through hull

Post by Joe Mac Phee »


The speed(log) impeller on my boat also has a dummy plug to be used when the impeller is not in the thru-hull. The plug is used when the boat is in the water and the impeller needs to be cleaned (you unplug the impeller and the VERY VERY guickly replace it with the dummy plug). I also install the dummy when the boat is pulled from the water to prevent it from inadvertent damage. The dummy is also installed when the bottom is being painted. Could the dummy be the device you see in the thru-hull? Is the impeller just lying in the bilge waiting to be installed? If the plug you see has no wires on it, it is probably a dummy plug.

Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
Bristol, RI


Re: Log Impeller - out of through hull

Post by Bill »

Bill wrote: Hello all...greetings from Maine. Need help...again etc. Problem in my new/old boat (recently purchased) is that the log (speed) impeller is out of the through hull and in its place is something much like the depth sounder transducer next to it. Launch time is soon. No instructions on the Datamarine Corinthian II transducer installation. Need to replace the whole thing or have it repaired. Can I launch with whatever is in there now? Sounds like a silly question when I pose it. Whatsayeth thou? Thanks. Bill....
Thanks all for replying to the impeller question. Dummy plug it is!...learn something new every morning. I'm sure now that I will just replace the impeller and housing and tackle it down the uh, road.

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