Voltage Needle Quiver

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Voltage Needle Quiver

Post by Stephen »

When my engine is running the voltage meter shows a voltage of about 14.5 volts, but quivers about one volt up and down in time with the engine.

I took the alternator off and did what rudimentary tests I could do, using Calder as a reference, but found nothing.

Is this a problem? On person in my marina said that there is always some voltage variation when the engine is running. But is it in time with the engine? Of 1 volt range each way?

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Voltage Needle Quiver

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Check the easy things first, 1. was alternator belt tight. 2. Did the voltage regulator have time to stablize before you took the reading (I would think it had if it read 14.5 volts, but if you just started the engine, you can follow the regulator up as it adjusts voltage. 3. Is field wire tight at engine. 4. Test and/or replace the voltage regulator. Hope this helps

Dave Stump, Hanalei
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