painting fiberglass

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painting fiberglass

Post by Chris »

I'm new to boat repair, so please bear with me. Is it okay to paint directly over painted fiberglass or is it wiser to sand and/or remove old paint with remover first? Paint on my 17' fiberglass isn't in bad shape, it's just ugly. Also, what steps do I need to take to prime/prepare for the paint? Special paint? etc. I'll be painting white on light blue. Any suggestions would be great!

Re: painting fiberglass

Post by Hal »

If the paint is not chipping or peeling, you should be able to paint over it without a problem. I would first wipe the boat down briskly with a good quality toluene (wear mask / gloves). I say "briskly" as you want to try and remove any grease, silicone etc., but you don't want the rag to be so soaked with the solvent that the solvent stands on the paint for more than 10-15 seconds. I would then sand the paint with a 220 grit to give the surface good "tooth" for the new paint/any fairing compound to adhere to. Prior to painting, fix any gouges/dings with fairing compound and sand them smooth and finishing with the 220 grit.
It's a good idea to apply a primer before the final finish. Use the primer recommended by the manufacturer of the paint (not coincidently, usually the same mfger as the finish paint).
I have only used two part linear poly urethanes for finishing hulls so I can't comment on the single part paints (Interlux has a single part paint that many seem pleased with) The two part paints, while tricky to use, will yield a harder and longer lasting finish. I also never spray the finishes but rather use the roller and tip method (best accomplished by one person using a roller to get the paint on faster and more even, with a second person following right behind with a fine quality brush (badger hair or soft china bristle).
A couple two part paint mfger's are Awlgrip and Sterling. Each has a web site with painting tips and can also send you literature. Also, use good quality tapes made by 3M for masking. Though 3M is always more expensive than their competators, sometimes (as is the case with tape) the extra cost is worth it.
This is just a rough guide to somewhat familiarize you with painting boats. It's best to read up on the subject for various methods, techniques and tips to ensure a quality result. Good luck!

I'm new to boat repair, so please bear with me. Is it okay to paint directly over painted fiberglass or is it wiser to sand and/or remove old paint with remover first? Paint on my 17' fiberglass isn't in bad shape, it's just ugly. Also, what steps do I need to take to prime/prepare for the paint? Special paint? etc. I'll be painting white on light blue. Any suggestions would be great!
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