Dinghy Registration?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Joe L.

Dinghy Registration?

Post by Joe L. »

I just purchased an 8' Walker Bay - does anyone know if you have to register a dinghy in Rhode Island?

Thanks for the response.


Duncan Maio

Re: Dinghy Registration?

Post by Duncan Maio »


Only if there is a motor attached, in which case you need to register the boat and the motor - each gets separate paperwork, and of course a fee.

Duncan Maio
m/v Fix
Ocean Bird 8
Bristol, RI
Joe L. wrote: I just purchased an 8' Walker Bay - does anyone know if you have to register a dinghy in Rhode Island?

Clay Stalker

Re: Dinghy Registration?

Post by Clay Stalker »

Joe L. wrote: I just purchased an 8' Walker Bay - does anyone know if you have to register a dinghy in Rhode Island?

Thanks for the response.

Don't bother with a motor...the Walker Bay 8 rows as fast as it will go with a motor...and the exercise will be good for you! Also, no fees, no maintence, no insurance, and no theft! I love mine, the only thing I own that does what it is supposed to do with absolutely no maintenance whatsoever....no painting, no varnish, no nothing....If you need to go great distances with lots of people and gear, an inflatable and outboard is best....otherwise, the Walker is hard to beat for just getting out to the boat...also tows very well.

Clay Stalker
s/v Salsa CD27 #247
Bristol, Rhode Island
homeport: Keene, New Hampshire

Frank Vernet

Same Question for Maryland?

Post by Frank Vernet »

I have a 9' Avon w/o an outboard.
Darin Bartram

Re: Same Question for Maryland?

Post by Darin Bartram »

Frank Vernet wrote: I have a 9' Avon w/o an outboard.
I looked into this a while ago, and learned that Maryland does not require such vessels to be registered, when they have no form of mechanical propulsion. At the same time, I do not believe there is a registration fee.

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