Cape Dory 25: Getting at electric and Chain Plates

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Christopher Fleming

Cape Dory 25: Getting at electric and Chain Plates

Post by Christopher Fleming »

I Recently bought my first boat. A Cape Dory 25. I lost a spreader last week, and am currently replacing most of the rig. The Chain Plates or fastened on deck, and I want to reinforce them with new backing plates. However, it is all but impossable to get to the underside of the deck. At the same time I am installing a new electrical harness, and am having the same problem. My question is this: Is there an easy way to remove the interior liner in order to get to the electric and chain plates?

I don't have an E-Mail address, but if you could write me, or leave a message on this site, it would be greatly appreciated.

My address is PO Box 297 Key West Fl 33041
Phone Number is 305 745 8260
Jerry Hammernik

Re: Cape Dory 25: Getting at electric and Chain Plates

Post by Jerry Hammernik »

What year is your 25? Mine is a 78 and I've never felt that the chainplates needed work. Do you have the circular teak pieces on the liner where the chainplates are located. You can inspect the chainplate nuts from there. The owner's manual shows the chainplate bolts going through the deck, a flnge on the hull, a back liner, a steel reinforcorcement, and one other layer before the nuts go on. If the nuts are tight and the chainplate is not leaking, I'd be inclined to let it alone.
You can run some wiring under the lip of the liner. I ran wires to a new running light on the bow pulpit through this area. I was able to run a fish tape from the mast access port back to the electrical panel to pull some new wires. Cape Dory used good quality wire on my boat, but the workmanship on the panel was sloppy. I'd reuse the wire if it looks OK, and put my money and effort into new running lights, a redone panel, etc. Good Luck Jerry
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