Add Homeport To Your Sign Off

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Catherine Monaghan

And while you're at it...

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

And while you're updating your info in the Registry, don't forget to add "NOSPAM" right before the "@" in your e-mail addresses.

CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Ken Coit wrote: We all should check out our listing in the registry to make certain it is also up to date. It isn't a substitute for an informative signature block, but it is a quick way to get a list of boats in your area.

S/V Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Sailing from Beaufort, NC
Warren Kaplan wrote: This is more of an idea or a suggestion that really isn't of great importance but might be nice. Every once in a while I read a posting on a subject and the author just happens to mention where his/her homeport is, in the body of the posting. I have found Cape Dorians who are very close by my home port that way. But if they didn't mention it in their posting I might never have known it. With the sailing season fast approaching it might be nice to be able to hook up with other CD sailors who are close by. But first you have to know they are close by. So why not add an extra line to the sign off. That of your home (or hail) port. I mean many have it on their transoms so why not let us all know right here.

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
Ken Coit

Where is this published? It is Not in the Documentation Doc

Post by Ken Coit »


Please provide a reference. It does not say that on the USCG web site.

Hanalei wrote: Mario,

It used to be that your port of hail could be your home address, i.e. I live in Colchester, CT, so I could have Colchester, CT on her transom. Not any more, the CG does want your actual port of hail, i.e. Hanalei is at dock in Noank, CT and that is the hail port on her transom. Besides, Colchester is about 20 miles from the sea with no body of water large enough to float her in town.

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Can be found in.......

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Take a look at -services we provide-documentation-frequently asked questions. www// is the http address, the rest are clicks on fields. Look at the answers to guestions: How do I mark my vessel?, How do I change the name or hailing port of my vessel?, and Should I return the certificate of documentation with the renewal notice?(talks about change of address), and May I renew the certificate after the ownership changes? Also, look under documentation Instructions - Completing form CG-1258 section F. Hailing Port, that states that if the hailing port changes, the certificate is "immediately" invalid(italics mine).

So, at the very least, Mario's Certificate of Documentation is simply invalid! If it is not valid, is he registered anywhere? If he doesn't meet the requirements it is like driving an unregistered motor vehicle - fines result(for how much, give me some time, I will find it!)......FWIW....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v (Documented)Hanalei

Re: Can be found in.......

Post by Mario »

Not yet it ain't! We haven't sent in the new 1258 yet and the current documentation matches what's on the hull. The new documentation should be processed by the time the new hailing port is put on the stern.

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: So, at the very least, Mario's Certificate of Documentation is simply invalid! If it is not valid, is he registered anywhere? If he doesn't meet the requirements it is like driving an unregistered motor vehicle - fines result(for how much, give me some time, I will find it!)......FWIW....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v (Documented)Hanalei
Larry DeMers

Re: That Sir, can get you fined!!!!!!

Post by Larry DeMers »

Capt. Dave,

It used to be that the Port of Call was supposed to be your home town, OR either of the two registration offices maintained by the CG. 10 years ago, we moved to Wisconsin from Minn., and I called the documentation center for the CG and asked this specific question. They said that the CG only cares that the Port of Call on the stern matches that shown on the documentation. It can be any town you want. They use that town to further identify you boat when a search is made..I get the feeling you could put Kabul, Afghansitan on there and it would not make any difference to the CG, as long as you spell it right so their parsing software can find your document. The CG person actually said that they do not care what town was put there as long as it agrees with the document on file.
I do not believe this policy has changed. they certainly get enough looks at my stern over the summer, and I had a courtesy exam by the CG..not the Aux. last spring. No word was said about our hailing port being our old Minn. residence, not the Wisc. residence. I suspect that we will change it however (that will cost $110 in CG fees I believe) when we finally end up where we want to be for the rest of our lives. We are not there yet.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Apostle Islands of Lake Superior

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain Commanding Parfait,

Respectively Sir, the Coast Guard asks you every year when your renewal notice arrives by mail, did you change port of call? If so, you mus make the change to your documentation. If you don't, you can be fined! FWIW,.....

Dave Stump

Re: That Sir, can get you fined!!!!!!

Post by Dennis »

Looks like any place in the US can be a Hail Port...

Excerpt from INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM CG-1258 (CG-1258A Test-4/98)

F. HAILING PORT: Insert name of place and state exactly as it is or will be marked on the vessel. The hailing port must be a place in the United States. Commonly known abbreviations are acceptable. (e.g., NY, NY) NOTE: A Certificate of Documentation together with any endorsement(s) thereon becomes immediately invalid once a designated hailing port changes.

CD28 #125
Raritan Bay, NJ
Ken Coit

Been There, Done That. Hailing Port is Not Same as Home Por

Post by Ken Coit »

Capt. Stump Sir,

I read all your references yesterday and two+ years ago. The information has not changed. The instructions for 1258, section F. are as has been quoted here at least twice. There is no requirement that your boat be berthed at its hailing port. Most ships on the high seas have never seen their hailing port in Liberia.

If this is some sort of emergency procedure instituted after 9/11, it is certainly a well-kept secret. I suggest you re-check with your sources.

Save some money and trouble, don't bother to change that documentation or info on the transom. Or, if you must spend some money, have some fun: use "Pikes Peak, CO" or "Death Valley, CA" as your hailing port. How about "Desert Center, CA" or "Sausilito, CA"? "Santa Barbara, CA" has a nice ring. "San Luis Obispo, CA" has some political overtones and it probably won't fit on anything less than a 40. I like "Nantucket, MA" too. I think if you walk the piers in San Diego you will find a fair number of yachts with a hailing port of "Scottsdale, AZ." Believe me, except for the monsoon season during the US Open, the Salt River runs very deep (in the ground) as it passes between Scottsdale and Tempe.

Keep on smiling and sailing,

CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Sailing from Beaufort, NC
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Ken,

Take a look at -services we provide-documentation-frequently asked questions. www// is the http address, the rest are clicks on fields. Look at the answers to guestions: How do I mark my vessel?, How do I change the name or hailing port of my vessel?, and Should I return the certificate of documentation with the renewal notice?(talks about change of address), and May I renew the certificate after the ownership changes? Also, look under documentation Instructions - Completing form CG-1258 section F. Hailing Port, that states that if the hailing port changes, the certificate is "immediately" invalid(italics mine).

So, at the very least, Mario's Certificate of Documentation is simply invalid! If it is not valid, is he registered anywhere? If he doesn't meet the requirements it is like driving an unregistered motor vehicle - fines result(for how much, give me some time, I will find it!)......FWIW....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v (Documented)Hanalei

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