I got my CD25 Home!!!!!!!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Scott MacCready

I got my CD25 Home!!!!!!!

Post by Scott MacCready »

I finally made it down to Ft. Lauderdale and picked-up my CD25. Debbie included so many extras in the deal it was like Christmas! After motoring it (ughh!)2 hours along the intercoastal waterway to the boat yard, I got it ready for them to ustep the mast and haul for me. Then I drove across the state to Cape Coral to purchase a used trailer. When I got there, Donald (a cape dory owner/member) just gave me the trailer. What a guy! The trailer had been sitting in a field for a few years and he wasn't sure what condition it was in. All I needed to do was fill the tires, grease the bearings, and replace the lights. Donald had arranged a boat hauler to meet me at the trailer in case I ran into any problems. He thought the tongue was bent but I later learned it was shaped that way to allow for easier backing down into a boat launch. I drove back to Fort Lauderdale and spent the night on my new boat.
Yesterday at 9:00, The yard lifted my boat onto the trailer without incident and after securing everything and getting a bite to eat, was on the road by 12 noon for the long trip (875 miles)up I-95 to New Bern,NC. I only have a Dakota with a V-6. I was concerned about it not having enought power but it did just fine. Of course it's relatively flat driving along the coast but I had plenty of power. Stopping required a lot of attention. I made sure to keep plenty of room between me and the car ahead of me so I wouldn't have to stop quickly. I pulled in here in New Bern at 4am this morning. Needless to say, I'm a little tired from such a rushed 3 days.
Today is Sunday, so since the boatyard here is closed, I'll rest, watch Nascar, and try to be patient. I just can't express how happy I am with all the sailers and cape dory owners that helped me along the way. Thanks to everyone that helped, Scott

Scott MacCready

Re: I got my CD25 Home!!!!!!!

Post by Scott MacCready »

Now a question. Debbie had paired a new Honda 5hp 4-stroke,long for this boat. She had difficulty getting it to run while in the lazerette due to inability to breathe adequately. Her boatyard's answer was to mount the engine on the transom. that's where it is, it runs perfectly, but it's not were it should be. I'd like to put it back down in the lazerette. I'd like to use this engine since it's a nice quiet 4-stroke and it's new. Any suggestions on how to fix the problem? Debbie said she had run it with the hatch open but it still didn't help. thanks

Jim Stull

Re: I got my CD25 Home!!!!!!!

Post by Jim Stull »

Congratulations Scott.

You will enjoy the boat.
About the engine, I have a CD25 with the Honda 8HP. It now runs perfectly with the hatch down. I tried all the tricks, additional air, seals etc. Nothing worked totally until I diverted the bypass fumes out of the compartment. Look on the engine for one or more small ports on the casting. Maybe you can identify these easily with the engine on the transom. Fab a small box. I used aluminum that can be sealed around these ports (I used 5200) and connect a hose to the box and run the hose out of the cover vent.
I have some photos around, if you are interested.



Post by Jon »


I'm glad that worked out for you - Kuhela looks like a real beauty! I'm sure you will enjoy many years and many adventures aboard your 25.

Jim's advice on the motor exhaust is good (as always). It shouldn't be too hard to keep that motor running smoothly and quietly in the well.

One question - what make and size is that fuel tank on the port side?

Again, congrats! And welcome to the club!!

All the best,
CD25 Sovereign
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