Liferaft Rental

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Jerry Albright

Liferaft Rental

Post by Jerry Albright »

I will be crewing on an Island Packet 44 in an upcoming race from Pensacola Florida to Isla Mujeras Mexico.I need to find a source for renting a liferaft.
The local Ship Chandlery has already rented their units for this May 8th race.The closer to the Pensacola Fl. or Mobile Al.area the better, however I will not rule out any sources.
Thanks in advance for any info. I never make a move concerning Sailing info. without consulting this site.

Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright
CD27 "Nautical Weaver"
Michael Bond

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by Michael Bond »

Jerry, I sailed my CD30K in the Galveston, Tx. to Pensacola Emerald Coast Regatta a couple of years ago and some of the boats, I believe, had rental life rafts from Triad Marine who are located in League City, Tx. I'm sure there is probably some one in New Orleans who can provide you with a unit. Good Luck, Oh Yeah Isla is a great place if you have never sailed there, try to take some time to enjoy.

Good Luck,

Michael Bond
Jerry Albright wrote: Thanks in advance for any info. I never make a move concerning Sailing info. without consulting this site.

Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright
CD27 "Nautical Weaver"
John R.

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by John R. »

You might try Winslow in Osprey, Florida. I think they rent but I'm not positive. Also there is Bonanni in Tampa ( changed their name though ), they always are running an ad in Florida Mariner newspaper. There are others in the paper that rent rafts as well.

I thought rafts could be rented from Boat U.S., check out their website or give them a call. At the least they should be able to give you some good leads in your general area.
Michael Bond wrote: Jerry, I sailed my CD30K in the Galveston, Tx. to Pensacola Emerald Coast Regatta a couple of years ago and some of the boats, I believe, had rental life rafts from Triad Marine who are located in League City, Tx. I'm sure there is probably some one in New Orleans who can provide you with a unit. Good Luck, Oh Yeah Isla is a great place if you have never sailed there, try to take some time to enjoy.

Good Luck,

Michael Bond
Jerry Albright wrote: Thanks in advance for any info. I never make a move concerning Sailing info. without consulting this site.

Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright
CD27 "Nautical Weaver"

Patrick Turner

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by Patrick Turner »

Well, this might be a good time to bring this one up.......are you sure you need one? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for safety, but I have been debating this liferaft thing for sometime now and I'm still not sure wich way to go. We live and sail out here in the Pacific. The water is cold...cold...cold. More then 20 minutes in the water and you're suffering from hypothermia and that could be a problem. Combine that with the potential for relatively quick and sever weather changes and it seems reasonable to want a liferaft on board even for coastal cruising here. But boats don't ever really just here one minute gone the next. The big fear is hitting a submerged container or something like that and if that happens, it seems like there is time to try and bring things under control while contacting the coasties. Nigel Calder who has spent most of his adult life cruising and messing about in boats doesn't carry a liferaft. His reasoning is that he only cruises in warm water (so hypothermia is not an issue) and he is never further then about 500 miles from shore. As long as you have an epirb and something that floats to hang on to, in those conditions you could go for a few days before getting picked up.

Life reafts are expensive to purchase, they rarely are needed, and you really should get them surviced every year to the tune of about $300 - - plus they have a shelf life of about 10 years befor you really need to think about replacing them.

I'm bringing this up in the spirit of discussion and education. I freely admit that my experience level in serious conditons is limited and I am currently making plans for more extensive cruising (primarily coastal) so I'm struggeling with this life raft thing myself. So, unless you are planning on crossing major oceans and are primarily sailing in warmer you really need the added expense, weight, stowage, etc. of a liferaft?....EPIRB yes, but lifereaft?

Renting is an option of course for the occasional offshore work (although I've heard horror stories about those) and this question is addressed more to the issue of purchasing a liferaft in general.

john doyle

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by john doyle »

Patrick Turner wrote: Well, this might be a good time to bring this one up.......are you sure you need one? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for safety, but I have been debating this liferaft thing for sometime now and I'm still not sure wich way to go. We live and sail out here in the Pacific. The water is cold...cold...cold. More then 20 minutes in the water and you're suffering from hypothermia and that could be a problem. Combine that with the potential for relatively quick and sever weather changes and it seems reasonable to want a liferaft on board even for coastal cruising here. But boats don't ever really just here one minute gone the next. The big fear is hitting a submerged container or something like that and if that happens, it seems like there is time to try and bring things under control while contacting the coasties. Nigel Calder who has spent most of his adult life cruising and messing about in boats doesn't carry a liferaft. His reasoning is that he only cruises in warm water (so hypothermia is not an issue) and he is never further then about 500 miles from shore. As long as you have an epirb and something that floats to hang on to, in those conditions you could go for a few days before getting picked up.

Life reafts are expensive to purchase, they rarely are needed, and you really should get them surviced every year to the tune of about $300 - - plus they have a shelf life of about 10 years befor you really need to think about replacing them.

I'm bringing this up in the spirit of discussion and education. I freely admit that my experience level in serious conditons is limited and I am currently making plans for more extensive cruising (primarily coastal) so I'm struggeling with this life raft thing myself. So, unless you are planning on crossing major oceans and are primarily sailing in warmer you really need the added expense, weight, stowage, etc. of a liferaft?....EPIRB yes, but lifereaft?

Renting is an option of course for the occasional offshore work (although I've heard horror stories about those) and this question is addressed more to the issue of purchasing a liferaft in general.

I am of the same thought & also planning some coastal cruising & maybe a hop to Bermuda. I owned a life raft on my other boat years ago & it did give us a good feeling to have it aboard. Also my son was aboard from the time he was born until we moved inland when he was 8. I think a rental from a reputable firm is the best way to assure you don't have to float around on a piece of wood. I know my wife thinks a raft is very important.
John CD31 #18
Bonnie Blue
Leo MacDonald

Liferaft on Board

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hi Pat,

Last year I was debating a liferaft on board.

In preparation for the "CDSOA Cruise to Maine" last summer, it appeared we would be 60 NM offshore in ~60 def.F water - I decided to get a liferaft. Now the really good news; Boat Stuff, Mystic, CT (local marine consignment shop) had a Winslow, Model; _ _ 6, 14 months old, in great condition with all the tags, etc., for about 30 cents on the dollar!!' A call to Winslow revealed all info / tagging was correct AND their very Unofficial position that unless your crossing an ocean you did not really have to repack it each year, telling me two to three depending how long it was aboard and exposed to the elements, etc.

When we're on local sails it's hardly ever on board, but on offshore (out of sight of land) we carry it strapped down on the cabin roof. As you mentioned the North Atlantic water can also be cold.

The plan is to have them overhaul / repack it this fall - have GOT to be ready for the "Cape Dory Bermuda 2003" sail :>))

Fair Winds,
'Evening Light'
matt cawthorne

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by matt cawthorne »

I spent one of the longer nights of my life bailing a boat while doing a delivery only about 200 miles from land. My feeling is that a life raft is a mighty valuable piece of equipment.

Nigel's theory falls short in my book for two reasons. Firstly he is expecting his epirb to work. Epirbs are electronic equipment. Would you trust your life on your pc? Mike Plant is an example as to why you should not trust an EPIRB. Secondly someone has to be alerted to your situation, and care to search long enough to find you. A human in the water is not very visible. A life raft is a much bigger visual target.
The life raft is important, but a water maker is just as important. Even if you are in the carribean within two miles of an island, the current can carry you away from the island in no time. Water is the most important thing in that situation.

Catherine Monaghan

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I've never tried them, but there's <a href=""></a> and the following outfits rent liferafts:
Inflatable Boats - 850-887-9762
Mobile Ship Chandlery (334)-432-3501
Vicking - Miami (305)-374-5114
Winslow- Tampa (800)-838-3012

CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Jerry Albright wrote: I will be crewing on an Island Packet 44 in an upcoming race from Pensacola Florida to Isla Mujeras Mexico.I need to find a source for renting a liferaft.
The local Ship Chandlery has already rented their units for this May 8th race.The closer to the Pensacola Fl. or Mobile Al.area the better, however I will not rule out any sources.
Thanks in advance for any info. I never make a move concerning Sailing info. without consulting this site.

Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright
CD27 "Nautical Weaver"
Patrick Turner

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by Patrick Turner »


Good points......most convincing is the fact that the epirb is an electronic device and therefor subject to failure of that kind. Best to have something a little less fussy to "hang on to" if the need be.

matt cawthorne wrote: Pat,
I spent one of the longer nights of my life bailing a boat while doing a delivery only about 200 miles from land. My feeling is that a life raft is a mighty valuable piece of equipment.

Nigel's theory falls short in my book for two reasons. Firstly he is expecting his epirb to work. Epirbs are electronic equipment. Would you trust your life on your pc? Mike Plant is an example as to why you should not trust an EPIRB. Secondly someone has to be alerted to your situation, and care to search long enough to find you. A human in the water is not very visible. A life raft is a much bigger visual target.
The life raft is important, but a water maker is just as important. Even if you are in the carribean within two miles of an island, the current can carry you away from the island in no time. Water is the most important thing in that situation.

Jerry Albright

Re: Liferaft Rental

Post by Jerry Albright »

Thanks for the leads, as far as the debate weather to carry a liferaft or not. The decision has already been made for me. A 406 EPIRB and a liferaft are part of the required saftey equipment for this race.
The round trip race will be a minimum of 1200 nautical miles,and another 200 nautical miles from the slip to the race site.The point of no return will be 300 nautical miles from the nearest landfall.I think I personally,will sleep better knowing I have both these saftey devices aboard.
Thanks again for the advise.

Jerry Albright
"CD27" Nautical Weaver"
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