We are considering purchasing a dock box large enough to store our deflated dinghy and outboard, plus a few other odd and ends. One concern I have is whether storing it that way could damage the Hypalon fabric or weaken the seams. The dock box would be sitting in direct sunlight virtually all day from April-November. We would bring it home for off-season.
Any thoughts?
s/v Rhapsody
CD 30 #252
Storing dinghy in dock box
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Storing dinghy in dock box
>>The dock box would be sitting in direct sunlight virtually all day from April-November.<<
Only the outside of the dock box is in the sun... the inside is in the dark. The only question is how the inside temp will affect the dinghy. That, I'm not sure, except that my white, fiberglass dock box doesn't seem to hold much excess heat.
I'd be careful storing an outboard and/or a gas tank in a box that wasn't vented. Gasoline fumes are heavy and will settle to the bottom of the box.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Only the outside of the dock box is in the sun... the inside is in the dark. The only question is how the inside temp will affect the dinghy. That, I'm not sure, except that my white, fiberglass dock box doesn't seem to hold much excess heat.
I'd be careful storing an outboard and/or a gas tank in a box that wasn't vented. Gasoline fumes are heavy and will settle to the bottom of the box.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Tip about storage...
Many years ago I ruined a good inflatable by storing it at home, in it's box, in the basement. The electric motor for the forced air furnace makes ozone each time it runs. The basement had high ozone levels, which ate pinholes in the coating. When I blew the dingy up to wash it, in the spring, it fizzed and foamed like a shook up Coke.