I live in year round sailing conditions in south florida with a 25 footer. Has anyone ever plugged the motor well and added an external bracket. It does not seem that a larger 4 cycle would fit in the well do to the larger size of the prop as on a honda 9.9.
external motor mount
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: external motor mount
I also live in South Florida on Tampa Bay and am constantly having to fight off the barnacles that cling to my 8hp on my CD25. As far as I have seen the biggest engine that will fit in the well is a 2cycle 8HP and its almost a stretch at that. The idea of converting to an external mount is something I have also wondered about. If you have any luck please let me know. David Miller
Randolph Ferguson wrote: I live in year round sailing conditions in south florida with a 25 footer. Has anyone ever plugged the motor well and added an external bracket. It does not seem that a larger 4 cycle would fit in the well do to the larger size of the prop as on a honda 9.9.
Re: external motor mount
the link below is a mount for a 26 foot Folkboat.
[img]http://www.folkboat.dk/cgi-bin/images/e ... _extra.jpg[/img]
[img]http://www.folkboat.dk/cgi-bin/images/e ... _extra.jpg[/img]
Re: external motor mount
I just bought one of their mounts that can support up to a 9.9 hp 4 stroke, with a weight not to exceed 130 lbs. I don't have the website but located the company on the net and they sent me to West Marine who had them in stock. $208.David Miller wrote: I have a CD 22 and recently bought a new Honda 8hp, four stroke, for my boat. My existing mount was a little flimsey so I did some looking around and saw an article in Practical Sailor for a mount manufactured by a company called Fulton.
Hope this helps.
David Miller wrote: I also live in South Florida on Tampa Bay and am constantly having to fight off the barnacles that cling to my 8hp on my CD25. As far as I have seen the biggest engine that will fit in the well is a 2cycle 8HP and its almost a stretch at that. The idea of converting to an external mount is something I have also wondered about. If you have any luck please let me know. David Miller
Randolph Ferguson wrote: I live in year round sailing conditions in south florida with a 25 footer. Has anyone ever plugged the motor well and added an external bracket. It does not seem that a larger 4 cycle would fit in the well do to the larger size of the prop as on a honda 9.9.