Quick, easy cockpit lid seals and more repair tricks

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Quick, easy cockpit lid seals and more repair tricks

Post by JimL »

I've installed gasketed seals on my cockpit lockers, and took pictures as I went....there's a how-to for those that wish. Send me an email, ask for "Sealing Cockpit Lockers".

Also, I made a roll tab to allow easy installation of the motor access board (in back wall of cockpit), made pipe hangers to fit below coaming area (for wiring), and shot a picture of my Lexan spring clips for mounting cabin round plugs (teak plugs in liner holes). Ask for "More Quick Tricks".

Also, I have a one page article showing how to mount a bilge pump on a slide out tray, that will not tip over when the boat is heeled. Ask for "Mounting Bilge Pump". I'll be gone for a week, beginning day after Xmas. Have a nice New Years.


One more note...this'll help

Post by JimL »

You'll find the weatherstrip next to the hinges needs to be hot glued, also. It rolls up its adhesive if you get it fitting as tight as I did! Other than that, no problems. Be sure to wax the surface of the lip. If in doubt, put some wax paper between the weatherstrip and opening, for a few days, to let everything take a set without sticking.

That's all......hope it works well for you, too!

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