Caution about modern spray lubricants

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Caution about modern spray lubricants

Post by JimL »

I had to inspect another "bad deal" today (car fire) and wanted to give folks a heads up. Many of the new "non-chlorinated" spray lubricants, cleaners, solvents, etc. have high potential of de-plasticizing various types of plastics, nylon composites, neoprene (such as seals), etc. Even silicone spray lubricants can craze or shrink some plastics. The chemical reaction causes the part to shrink (which in the case of injector seals, splits them, because they're already tight around a pipe....subsequent big leak=fire). In a worst case scenario, plastic parts may shatter within a few minutes of application. I did that to the spring button in a Mistral UltraLight sailboards daggerboard. Sprayed it, to get it unstuck, and it went POW!

If in doubt, use soap-based (lithium) greases, or LPS products approved for food service machinery. So far, I've not seen problems with their stuff. I hope this info keeps somebody out of trouble.

Best wishes for the holidays, JimL
Ken Coit

What about 303 Aerospace Protectant ??

Post by Ken Coit »

Oh! I hope my porthole and hatch seals aren't shrinking and going POW! What about 303 Aerospace Protectant?

See link below for more info.

Keep on sailing,

CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC

JimL wrote: I had to inspect another "bad deal" today (car fire) and wanted to give folks a heads up. Many of the new "non-chlorinated" spray lubricants, cleaners, solvents, etc. have high potential of de-plasticizing various types of plastics, nylon composites, neoprene (such as seals), etc. Even silicone spray lubricants can craze or shrink some plastics. The chemical reaction causes the part to shrink (which in the case of injector seals, splits them, because they're already tight around a pipe....subsequent big leak=fire). In a worst case scenario, plastic parts may shatter within a few minutes of application. I did that to the spring button in a Mistral UltraLight sailboards daggerboard. Sprayed it, to get it unstuck, and it went POW!

If in doubt, use soap-based (lithium) greases, or LPS products approved for food service machinery. So far, I've not seen problems with their stuff. I hope this info keeps somebody out of trouble.

Best wishes for the holidays, JimL (check other posts for instructions)

Looks like it's not from the solvent/lube family....

Post by JimL » it's probably not the bad stuff. Dangerous stuff is in the sprays that are used for brake cleaning, carb cleaning, or lubricants with gum cutting properties. Also....I only see these problems coming out of aerosol cans....

If in doubt, try a little on some sample material, or check it on the lids of old "soft butter" cups (the soft plastic lids). If it dulls it, wrinkles it, or cracks it....don't use it. Another check material is soft plastic kids toys....they are very sensitive to solvent dissolution.
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