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Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Leo MacDonald CD33

Boatswain's Mate

Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Greetings No. 1,

Current Naval usage of the anchor:

Single anchor (large, on left sleeve above seaman stripes);
A Seaman that has passed all requirements, but not yet promoted to Boatswain’s Mate Third Class. Usually referred to as the ‘Leading Seaman’. (In all other rates he would be called ‘a Striker’.)

Crossed Anchors (on the upper left sleeve):
Boatswain's Mate, considered the Navy's most senior rating (enlisted 'specialty). Considered all knowledgeable an matters of ships, ship handling and small boats.

Fouled Anchor (on cap and collar devices):
Chief Petty Officer, in the U.S. Navy (plus Senior Chief & Master Chief) & Royal Navy (Acting Chief & Chief) and most of the worlds navies. The senior enlisted ranks with the direct contact to and guidance of the Officers (specifically the junior officers and occasionally more senior officers).

Any elaboration Olli?

Fair Winds,
Evening Light, CD33 #38 (The sloop you will all have forgotten about by CD Race 2002 ;-))
PS: You want me to do a little on the Corpsman's slang terms??
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: As an old HM-3, lets hear about the slang.....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Commanding
Evening Light,

Thanks for the info. Yes, I would be interested in the Hospital Corpsmans' slang....maybe we would all be interested in each ratings slang....

Neil Gordon

Re: As an old HM-3, lets hear about the slang.....

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>...maybe we would all be interested in each ratings slang....<<

I was SM2, Signalman second class... aka "skivie waver."

BTW, do you know the most imortant function the corpsman performs on board ship?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Olli Wendelin

Navy Rates

Post by Olli Wendelin »

This link describes the navy rate system and shows the various insignia. ... krate.html

Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC

T/Y Sir for the link

Post by Leo »

Thanks for the link Olli.

Re: OK, I know this is going to hurt, but what?

Post by Hanalei »

Captain Gordon,

Be kind Sir, you are addressing a combat veteran (3rd Marine Division, FMF) of the Vietnam Conflict. What was a Corpsmans function aboard ship?

Dave Stump
Captain commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
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