'Evening Light' - New Captain

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Leo MacDonald CD33

'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Well, the deed has been done - literally.

Saturday last, Mike Berman, after considerable pressure from all the forces I could bring to bear, sold 'Evening Light', 1981 CD33 SLOOP #38, to Ruth Ann & me!! :-))

I am no longed boatless (or is that CD-less?) AND, as Capt. Stump says, "I am now on ‘half-pay’" (vice 'no-pay.')

Mike and I spent most of Saturday (ultimately in the rain) completing the frame and installing the boat cover. (A nice arrangement with 3 canvas pieces, 2" PVC 'backbone' and 3/4" PVC frame ribs and stantions.) Then, sitting in the relative 'warmth' of the cabin, signed/exchanged papers, etc. - a pleasant, exciting and relaxed time for both of us.

The next major step is the spring delivery with Mike agreeing to crew for the ‘new’ Captain. Look for us on the high seas between Cape May and 'The Race' toward mid to late April :-)

Fair Winds All,
PS: I cannot seem to find the mizzen step and Mike disavows any knowledge of one???

Warren Kaplan

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Congratulations! May fair winds accompany you on all the voyages you embark upon. May kalidoscopic sunsets linger endlessly on your horizons. I'll be lookin' for Evening Light on LI Sound come the warmer weather in 2002.

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non


Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by len »


here's wishing you and ruth ann fair winds and deep water!


Michael Heintz

'Evening Light' What a wonderfull name

Post by Michael Heintz »

Fleet Captain Leo MacDonald,

Congrates, on your purchase. You had us worried, I mean a fleet Captain without a boat, needless to say without a CD.

Good luck with Evening Light !!!!!!!!

A new entry for thr 2002 CD Cup Race.

ps: if you need crew sailing her up, let me know ( wana see how fast these 33's go )

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts

Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Man the entry port, pipe him aboard....

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain MacDonald,

Welcome aboard your new vessel, Sir. Good to hear you have read yourself in! May fair winds and following seas be wherever you go. I Sir, look forward to meeting you at sea this year next! Missen step, INDEED!!! Are you not gaff rigged Sir? Maybe you should be looking for the GAFF(pun intended!)Anyhow Leo, glad to hear it all went well. Fair winds......your HUMBLE servant........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

Re: "Petting" those in command...

Post by Hanalei »

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
"Sloop" Macht Nichts
CD 30 MK II,

Have you no conscience Sir? Begging a position as temporary crew aboard a "competitor" is truly suspect. I would wonder if the Captain would have you thrown in irons for the entire trip, or at least, lock up all documents pertaining to said vessel and her sail trim, armaments and ships stores! Why, I would hope he at least keeps you from access to the spirit locker!

However, if it does get you a "free" ride in what I hear is a truly remarkable vessel, more power to you! Captain Heintz, what is her PHRF anyway? ? ? I think she must be givin' the 30's a LOT of time! !

Your most humble Servant........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Bill Goldsmith

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


What a teaser to take title to your new yacht and immediately put the winter cover on! I'm sure you are hoping that the winter will be short (as are all of us Yankees).

Fair winds and minimal snow,

Bill Goldsmith
Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Well, the deed has been done - literally.

Saturday last, Mike Berman, after considerable pressure from all the forces I could bring to bear, sold 'Evening Light', 1981 CD33 SLOOP #38, to Ruth Ann & me!! :-))

I am no longed boatless (or is that CD-less?) AND, as Capt. Stump says, "I am now on ‘half-pay’" (vice 'no-pay.')

Mike and I spent most of Saturday (ultimately in the rain) completing the frame and installing the boat cover. (A nice arrangement with 3 canvas pieces, 2" PVC 'backbone' and 3/4" PVC frame ribs and stantions.) Then, sitting in the relative 'warmth' of the cabin, signed/exchanged papers, etc. - a pleasant, exciting and relaxed time for both of us.

The next major step is the spring delivery with Mike agreeing to crew for the ‘new’ Captain. Look for us on the high seas between Cape May and 'The Race' toward mid to late April :-)

Fair Winds All,
PS: I cannot seem to find the mizzen step and Mike disavows any knowledge of one???

Mike Thorpe

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Mike Thorpe »

Captain MacDonald,

Let me add my congradulations to this long list of esteemed Captains. May Evening Tide be the vessel that takes you and Ruth wherever you choose. I look forward to the sail back.

CD-36 Journey's End
Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Well, the deed has been done - literally.

Saturday last, Mike Berman, after considerable pressure from all the forces I could bring to bear, sold 'Evening Light', 1981 CD33 SLOOP #38, to Ruth Ann & me!! :-))

I am no longed boatless (or is that CD-less?) AND, as Capt. Stump says, "I am now on ‘half-pay’" (vice 'no-pay.')

Mike and I spent most of Saturday (ultimately in the rain) completing the frame and installing the boat cover. (A nice arrangement with 3 canvas pieces, 2" PVC 'backbone' and 3/4" PVC frame ribs and stantions.) Then, sitting in the relative 'warmth' of the cabin, signed/exchanged papers, etc. - a pleasant, exciting and relaxed time for both of us.

The next major step is the spring delivery with Mike agreeing to crew for the ‘new’ Captain. Look for us on the high seas between Cape May and 'The Race' toward mid to late April :-)

Fair Winds All,
PS: I cannot seem to find the mizzen step and Mike disavows any knowledge of one???

Bob Ohler

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Bob Ohler »

Congratulations to the new Captain and crew. Remember though, we don't own Cape Dory's as much as we think we might. We (as Captains and Owners) are only their custodians and care takers. Take care of them, and they will take care of the Captain and Crew. A tip of the cap to the new Captain! rbo

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Well, the deed has been done - literally.

Saturday last, Mike Berman, after considerable pressure from all the forces I could bring to bear, sold 'Evening Light', 1981 CD33 SLOOP #38, to Ruth Ann & me!! :-))

I am no longed boatless (or is that CD-less?) AND, as Capt. Stump says, "I am now on ‘half-pay’" (vice 'no-pay.')

Mike and I spent most of Saturday (ultimately in the rain) completing the frame and installing the boat cover. (A nice arrangement with 3 canvas pieces, 2" PVC 'backbone' and 3/4" PVC frame ribs and stantions.) Then, sitting in the relative 'warmth' of the cabin, signed/exchanged papers, etc. - a pleasant, exciting and relaxed time for both of us.

The next major step is the spring delivery with Mike agreeing to crew for the ‘new’ Captain. Look for us on the high seas between Cape May and 'The Race' toward mid to late April :-)

Fair Winds All,
PS: I cannot seem to find the mizzen step and Mike disavows any knowledge of one???

Ed Haley

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Ed Haley »

A glass of grog to you, sir! May the fair winds carry ye wherever you cast your eyes!

You and I will be the new CD owners next year in the CDSOA festivities. I hear all the honored long-time vessel captains MUST give way to rookies in all respects. I guess we'll be able to give them that as an excuse for being part of the "followup" brig.

Best of luck, Leo.

Ed Haley
Captain "Mokita"
CD330 Hull #1

Richard Feffer

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Richard Feffer »

Congratulations and best of luck with your new ship!!! Is there a ceremony that needs to be performed by the new captain and crew before taking command? Why not remove that cover, point her south and begin your shakedown cruise now!!!

M. R. Bober

Congratulations to the new skipper!

Post by M. R. Bober »

Every best wish with the new vessel.
Mitchell Bober
Bob Loewenstein

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Bob Loewenstein »

Congratulations, Leo. Hope to see you and Evening Light next season.


Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by Bill »

Congratulations Leo & RA

I hope your journey to home port is enjoyable. Fair Winds, Following Seas, and the happiest of Holiday Seasons.

S/V Rhapsody

nancy martin

Re: 'Evening Light' - New Captain

Post by nancy martin »

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Well, the deed has been done - literally.

Saturday last, Mike Berman, after considerable pressure from all the forces I could bring to bear, sold 'Evening Light', 1981 CD33 SLOOP #38, to Ruth Ann & me!! :-))

I am no longed boatless (or is that CD-less?) AND, as Capt. Stump says, "I am now on ‘half-pay’" (vice 'no-pay.')

Mike and I spent most of Saturday (ultimately in the rain) completing the frame and installing the boat cover. (A nice arrangement with 3 canvas pieces, 2" PVC 'backbone' and 3/4" PVC frame ribs and stantions.) Then, sitting in the relative 'warmth' of the cabin, signed/exchanged papers, etc. - a pleasant, exciting and relaxed time for both of us.

The next major step is the spring delivery with Mike agreeing to crew for the ‘new’ Captain. Look for us on the high seas between Cape May and 'The Race' toward mid to late April :-)

Fair Winds All,
PS: I cannot seem to find the mizzen step and Mike disavows any knowledge of one???
Ruth Ann & Leo,

Best Wishes to you on the addition, Evening Light, to your family!
May you have the wind you desire, the waves at a proper height and a fair sky as you make many memories with her.

Nancy & John Martin

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