Can anybody tell me what the deal would be, as far as duty is concerned, with bringing a Cape Dory into the US, from New Zealand, to be sold there? Dayspring is a fully equipped CD30 1979 cutter which has sailed to New Zealand, and is ocean ready.
Murray Glue
Importing a Cape Dory ??
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Importing a Cape Dory ??
I'm not sure about import duty, but there is a procedure to avoid paying the 7.25% Calif. state sales tax. I bought my boat in Virginia and had to pay the Calif sales tax when I bought her because I am a Calif. resident. If you take possession of the boat in a foreign country at sea you can avoid the tax providing you do all the proper paperwork in advance. The U.S. Coast Guard has forms to be filled out. I haven't personally done this so I can't tell you exactly how its done, but I know several people who did this taking possession at sea off the coast of Mexico. You might want to look into this as there may be a way to finalize the deal in New Zealand and "take possession" there before you deliver it to the U.S. for the new owner. Also you may have to be a documented vessel for this to work. In many parts of Calif slips are not easy to come by. You might want to have something arranged before you show up and start paying those $20 per night temporary slip fees. It might be different in Oregon or Washington. Just some things to consider if you're not familiar with the US. Hope it helps.
Murray Glue wrote: Can anybody tell me what the deal would be, as far as duty is concerned, with bringing a Cape Dory into the US, from New Zealand, to be sold there? Dayspring is a fully equipped CD30 1979 cutter which has sailed to New Zealand, and is ocean ready.
Murray Glue
Re: Importing a Cape Dory ??
Interesting question.
I checked the U.S. Customs website and found some information that was *almost* helpful. Unfortunately I can't copy the exact URL because they had some type of search function that didn't allow copying of the search result URL. Anyway, check and in the search field search for boat.
There's a passage that indicates a 1.5% customs duty for sailboats "purchased abroad." It seems to apply only to a foreign-built boat. There is nothing to indicate your situation: A U.S.-built vessel previously exported to New Zealand and now being re-imported. There may likely be an exemption since it was built in the U.S. The best advice on the site was to call a Port of Entry to obtain advice about whether you are entitled to an exemption. Here are some relevant excerpts:
Permanent Importations
A returning U.S. resident who is importing a boat (i.e., bringing it in permanently, as opposed to temporarily) will be required to pay duty on that boat. The personal customs exemption toward duty owed on a foreign-built pleasure boat may be applied under the following conditions:
The boat is imported for his or her personal use or for use by members of that household.
The boat was acquired abroad as an incident of the journey from which he or she is returning.
The boat accompanies him or her at the time of return.
The head of a family returning together may make a joint declaration for all members residing in the same household and pool their customs exemption toward the duty on an imported boat.
RATES OF DUTY. Pleasure boats are generally dutiable when imported into the United States. The following duty rates apply to boats imported for recreational purposes:
Sailboats and motorboats other than outboard motorboats 1.5 percent
Outboard motorboats 1.0 percent
Inflatable vessels 2.4 percent
Canoes Free of duty
Rowboats not designed for use with motors or sails 2.7 percent
These rates are subject to change; call your local Customs port of entry to get the correct rates at the time of your trip. Duty rates for importations from Column 2 countries, as defined in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, are considerably higher than those listed above.
If you are importing a yacht or other pleasure boat purchased abroad, please contact your nearest port of entry before you import the boat to learn more about entry requirements and the specific duty rate for your vessel.
NONRESIDENTS. A nonresident for Customs purposes is a foreign visitor to the United States, a person emigrating to the United States, or a person who left the United States with no intent to reestablish residency.
Nonresidents may bring vessels into the United States for their own use without having to make formal consumption entry or pay duty on the vessel. Informal entry at the first port of arrival must still be made, however. If a pleasure boat that was admitted duty free is sold within one year of its importation without paying the applicable duty, the vessel or its value, which will be recovered from the importer, will be subject to forfeiture. 7
1. (334) 441-5111
2. (504) 441-5895 Lake Memphremagog
(802) 873-3219
1. (907) 271-6309
2. (907) 271-6313 Newport News
(757) 245-6470
(907) 586-7211 Norfolk
(757) 441-6741
(907) 225-2254 Richmond
(804) 226-9675
(907)747-3374 WASHINGTON
1. (360) 532-2030
2. (800) 562-5943
(907) 983-2325 Bellingham
1. (360) 734-5463
2. (800) 562-5943
(907) 835-3597 Blaine
1. (360) 332-6318
2. (800) 562-5943
(907) 874-3415 Everett
1. (425) 259-0246
2. (800) 562-5943
Los Angeles
1. (310) 514-6013
2. (310) 514-6083
3. (310) 980-3300 Friday/Roche Harbors
1. (360) 378-2080
2. (800) 562-5943
San Diego
1. (619) 557-5370
2. (619) 690-8887 Friday/Roche Harbors
1. (360) 378-2080
2. (800) 562-5943
Pt. Canaveral
(407) 783-2066 Longview
1. (360) 425-3710
2. (800) 562-5943
Pt. Manatee
(941) 729-9301 Neah Bay
1. (206) 645-2311
2. (800) 562-5943
St. Petersburg
(727) 536-7311 Olympia
1. (253) 593-6338
2. (800) 562-5943
(813) 228-2358 Point Roberts
1. (360) 945-2314
2. (800) 562-5943
Ft. Pierce Area
Ft. Lauderdale Area
The following ports, from Ft. Pierce south and around the coast up to and including Ft. Myers, may call
(800) 432-1216:
1. Key West Area
2. Marco Island
3. Miami Area
4. West Palm Beach Area Port Angeles
1. (360) 457-4311
2. (800) 562-5943
(912)262-6692 Port Townsend
1. (360) 385-3777
2. (800) 562-5943
1. (912) 232-7507
2. (912) 652-4400
3. (912) 966-0557 Seattle
1. (206) 553-4678
2. (800) 562-5943
1. (808) 933-6976
2. (808) 861-8462 Tacoma
1. (253) 593-6338
2. (800) 562-5943
1. (808) 861-8461 Vancouver
1. (604) 278-1825
2. (604) 278-7422
1. (410) 962-7986
2. (800) 973-2867 WISCONSIN
Green Bay
(920) 496-0606
1. (617) 561-5739/5740
2. (617) 737-2380
3. (800) 937-2867 Milwaukee
(414) 571-2873
(313) 226-3140 Racine
(414) 633-0286
Grand Rapids
(616) 456-2515 PUERTO RICO
1. (787) 863-0950
2. (787) 863-0102
3. (787) 863-4075
4. (809) 963-0811
Port Huron
(810) 985-9512 Mayaguez
1. (809) 832-3342
2. (809) 832-3343
3. (809) 832-3345
Sault Ste. Marie
1. (906) 632-2631
2. (906) 632-7221 Ponce
1. (787) 841-3130
2. (787) 841-3131
3. (787) 841-3132
(218) 634-2803 San Juan
1. (787) 253-4533
2. (787) 253-4537
3. (787) 253-4538
Crane Lake
(218) 993-2321 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS
St. Croix
1. (809) 773-1011
2. (809) 778-02168
(218) 720-5203 St. John
(809) 776-6741
(218) 365-3262 St. Thomas
(809) 774-5539
Grand Marais
(218) 387-1148
(Open 5/15-10/15) San Francisco
1. (415) 782-7423
2. (415) 782-9424
3. (415) 782-9425
Grand Portage
(218)475-2244 San Luis Obispo
(805) 595-2381
International Falls
(218) 283-2541 CONNECTICUT
1. (203) 367-9487
2. (203) 367-9489
3. (800) 973-2867
(218) 386-2796 DELAWARE
1. (215) 596-1972
2. (800) 743-7416
Morehead City
1. (919) 726-5845
2. (919) 726-3651
3. (919) 726- 2034 Wilmington
1. (302) 573-6191
2. (800) 743-7416
(910) 343-4616 FLORIDA
Fernandina Beach
(904) 261-6154
(701) 825-6551 Ft. Myers
(941) 225-0041
(440) 267-3600 Jacksonville (St. Augustine)
(904) 360-5020
1. (888) 523-2628
2. (419) 259-6424
3. (419) 625-0022 Naples
Naples City Dock
880 12 Ave. S.
1. (800) 562-5943
2. (503) 325-5541 Panama City
(850) 785-4688
Coos Bay
(541) 267-6312 Pensacola
(904) 432-6811
(541) 265-6456 Kauai
No service available; call
numbers listed for Astoria Maui
(808) 877-6013
1. (215) 597-4648
2. (215) 596-1972
3. (800) 973-2867 ILLINOIS
New Port
(401) 847-2744 LOUISIANA
Baton Rouge
1. (504) 389-0261
2. (504) 589-3771
(401) 941-6326 Gramercy
1. (504) 869-3765
2. (504) 589-3771
(843) 723-1272 Lake Charles
1. (318) 439-5512
2. (504) 589-3771
1. (956) 831-4121
2. (956) 548-2744 Morgan City
1. (504) 384-6658
2. (504) 589-3771
Corpus Christi
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) X-SECTOR9 New Orleans
1. (504) 589-6804
2. (504) 589-3771
1. (713) 671-1100
2. (407) 975-2062
3. (800) 973-2867 MAINE
(207) 780-3228
1. (713) 671-1100
2. (407) 975-2062
3. (800) 973-2867 MISSISSIPPI
1. (601) 864-6794
2. (800) 973-2867
1. (713) 671-1100
2. (407) 975-2062
3. (800) 973-2867 Pascagoula
1. (601) 762-7311
2. (800) 973-2867
Port Aransas
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) 973-2867 NEW JERSEY
1. (201) 645-6561
2. (201) 645-2257
3. (201) 645-3762
4. (201) 645-2552
Port Arthur
(409) 727-0285 Perth Amboy
1. (908) 442-0414
2. (908) 442-0416
(If you arrive in New Jersey South of the Manasquan Inlet contact Customs' Philadelphia, PA office.)
Port Lavaca
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) ) 973-2867 NEW YORK
New York City
1. (212) 466-2901 (6 World Trade Center)
2. (212) 399-2901 (Pier 92 North River 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
3. (718) 816-0469 (Rosebank Staten Island)
Port O'Connor
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) ) 973-2867 Albany
1. (518) 431-0200
2. (800) 827-2851
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) ) 973-2867 Buffalo
1. (800) 927-5015
2. (716) 551-4311
Lake Champlain
(802) 868-2778 Ogdensburg
(800) 827-2851
I checked the U.S. Customs website and found some information that was *almost* helpful. Unfortunately I can't copy the exact URL because they had some type of search function that didn't allow copying of the search result URL. Anyway, check and in the search field search for boat.
There's a passage that indicates a 1.5% customs duty for sailboats "purchased abroad." It seems to apply only to a foreign-built boat. There is nothing to indicate your situation: A U.S.-built vessel previously exported to New Zealand and now being re-imported. There may likely be an exemption since it was built in the U.S. The best advice on the site was to call a Port of Entry to obtain advice about whether you are entitled to an exemption. Here are some relevant excerpts:
Permanent Importations
A returning U.S. resident who is importing a boat (i.e., bringing it in permanently, as opposed to temporarily) will be required to pay duty on that boat. The personal customs exemption toward duty owed on a foreign-built pleasure boat may be applied under the following conditions:
The boat is imported for his or her personal use or for use by members of that household.
The boat was acquired abroad as an incident of the journey from which he or she is returning.
The boat accompanies him or her at the time of return.
The head of a family returning together may make a joint declaration for all members residing in the same household and pool their customs exemption toward the duty on an imported boat.
RATES OF DUTY. Pleasure boats are generally dutiable when imported into the United States. The following duty rates apply to boats imported for recreational purposes:
Sailboats and motorboats other than outboard motorboats 1.5 percent
Outboard motorboats 1.0 percent
Inflatable vessels 2.4 percent
Canoes Free of duty
Rowboats not designed for use with motors or sails 2.7 percent
These rates are subject to change; call your local Customs port of entry to get the correct rates at the time of your trip. Duty rates for importations from Column 2 countries, as defined in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, are considerably higher than those listed above.
If you are importing a yacht or other pleasure boat purchased abroad, please contact your nearest port of entry before you import the boat to learn more about entry requirements and the specific duty rate for your vessel.
NONRESIDENTS. A nonresident for Customs purposes is a foreign visitor to the United States, a person emigrating to the United States, or a person who left the United States with no intent to reestablish residency.
Nonresidents may bring vessels into the United States for their own use without having to make formal consumption entry or pay duty on the vessel. Informal entry at the first port of arrival must still be made, however. If a pleasure boat that was admitted duty free is sold within one year of its importation without paying the applicable duty, the vessel or its value, which will be recovered from the importer, will be subject to forfeiture. 7
1. (334) 441-5111
2. (504) 441-5895 Lake Memphremagog
(802) 873-3219
1. (907) 271-6309
2. (907) 271-6313 Newport News
(757) 245-6470
(907) 586-7211 Norfolk
(757) 441-6741
(907) 225-2254 Richmond
(804) 226-9675
(907)747-3374 WASHINGTON
1. (360) 532-2030
2. (800) 562-5943
(907) 983-2325 Bellingham
1. (360) 734-5463
2. (800) 562-5943
(907) 835-3597 Blaine
1. (360) 332-6318
2. (800) 562-5943
(907) 874-3415 Everett
1. (425) 259-0246
2. (800) 562-5943
Los Angeles
1. (310) 514-6013
2. (310) 514-6083
3. (310) 980-3300 Friday/Roche Harbors
1. (360) 378-2080
2. (800) 562-5943
San Diego
1. (619) 557-5370
2. (619) 690-8887 Friday/Roche Harbors
1. (360) 378-2080
2. (800) 562-5943
Pt. Canaveral
(407) 783-2066 Longview
1. (360) 425-3710
2. (800) 562-5943
Pt. Manatee
(941) 729-9301 Neah Bay
1. (206) 645-2311
2. (800) 562-5943
St. Petersburg
(727) 536-7311 Olympia
1. (253) 593-6338
2. (800) 562-5943
(813) 228-2358 Point Roberts
1. (360) 945-2314
2. (800) 562-5943
Ft. Pierce Area
Ft. Lauderdale Area
The following ports, from Ft. Pierce south and around the coast up to and including Ft. Myers, may call
(800) 432-1216:
1. Key West Area
2. Marco Island
3. Miami Area
4. West Palm Beach Area Port Angeles
1. (360) 457-4311
2. (800) 562-5943
(912)262-6692 Port Townsend
1. (360) 385-3777
2. (800) 562-5943
1. (912) 232-7507
2. (912) 652-4400
3. (912) 966-0557 Seattle
1. (206) 553-4678
2. (800) 562-5943
1. (808) 933-6976
2. (808) 861-8462 Tacoma
1. (253) 593-6338
2. (800) 562-5943
1. (808) 861-8461 Vancouver
1. (604) 278-1825
2. (604) 278-7422
1. (410) 962-7986
2. (800) 973-2867 WISCONSIN
Green Bay
(920) 496-0606
1. (617) 561-5739/5740
2. (617) 737-2380
3. (800) 937-2867 Milwaukee
(414) 571-2873
(313) 226-3140 Racine
(414) 633-0286
Grand Rapids
(616) 456-2515 PUERTO RICO
1. (787) 863-0950
2. (787) 863-0102
3. (787) 863-4075
4. (809) 963-0811
Port Huron
(810) 985-9512 Mayaguez
1. (809) 832-3342
2. (809) 832-3343
3. (809) 832-3345
Sault Ste. Marie
1. (906) 632-2631
2. (906) 632-7221 Ponce
1. (787) 841-3130
2. (787) 841-3131
3. (787) 841-3132
(218) 634-2803 San Juan
1. (787) 253-4533
2. (787) 253-4537
3. (787) 253-4538
Crane Lake
(218) 993-2321 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS
St. Croix
1. (809) 773-1011
2. (809) 778-02168
(218) 720-5203 St. John
(809) 776-6741
(218) 365-3262 St. Thomas
(809) 774-5539
Grand Marais
(218) 387-1148
(Open 5/15-10/15) San Francisco
1. (415) 782-7423
2. (415) 782-9424
3. (415) 782-9425
Grand Portage
(218)475-2244 San Luis Obispo
(805) 595-2381
International Falls
(218) 283-2541 CONNECTICUT
1. (203) 367-9487
2. (203) 367-9489
3. (800) 973-2867
(218) 386-2796 DELAWARE
1. (215) 596-1972
2. (800) 743-7416
Morehead City
1. (919) 726-5845
2. (919) 726-3651
3. (919) 726- 2034 Wilmington
1. (302) 573-6191
2. (800) 743-7416
(910) 343-4616 FLORIDA
Fernandina Beach
(904) 261-6154
(701) 825-6551 Ft. Myers
(941) 225-0041
(440) 267-3600 Jacksonville (St. Augustine)
(904) 360-5020
1. (888) 523-2628
2. (419) 259-6424
3. (419) 625-0022 Naples
Naples City Dock
880 12 Ave. S.
1. (800) 562-5943
2. (503) 325-5541 Panama City
(850) 785-4688
Coos Bay
(541) 267-6312 Pensacola
(904) 432-6811
(541) 265-6456 Kauai
No service available; call
numbers listed for Astoria Maui
(808) 877-6013
1. (215) 597-4648
2. (215) 596-1972
3. (800) 973-2867 ILLINOIS
New Port
(401) 847-2744 LOUISIANA
Baton Rouge
1. (504) 389-0261
2. (504) 589-3771
(401) 941-6326 Gramercy
1. (504) 869-3765
2. (504) 589-3771
(843) 723-1272 Lake Charles
1. (318) 439-5512
2. (504) 589-3771
1. (956) 831-4121
2. (956) 548-2744 Morgan City
1. (504) 384-6658
2. (504) 589-3771
Corpus Christi
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) X-SECTOR9 New Orleans
1. (504) 589-6804
2. (504) 589-3771
1. (713) 671-1100
2. (407) 975-2062
3. (800) 973-2867 MAINE
(207) 780-3228
1. (713) 671-1100
2. (407) 975-2062
3. (800) 973-2867 MISSISSIPPI
1. (601) 864-6794
2. (800) 973-2867
1. (713) 671-1100
2. (407) 975-2062
3. (800) 973-2867 Pascagoula
1. (601) 762-7311
2. (800) 973-2867
Port Aransas
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) 973-2867 NEW JERSEY
1. (201) 645-6561
2. (201) 645-2257
3. (201) 645-3762
4. (201) 645-2552
Port Arthur
(409) 727-0285 Perth Amboy
1. (908) 442-0414
2. (908) 442-0416
(If you arrive in New Jersey South of the Manasquan Inlet contact Customs' Philadelphia, PA office.)
Port Lavaca
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) ) 973-2867 NEW YORK
New York City
1. (212) 466-2901 (6 World Trade Center)
2. (212) 399-2901 (Pier 92 North River 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
3. (718) 816-0469 (Rosebank Staten Island)
Port O'Connor
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) ) 973-2867 Albany
1. (518) 431-0200
2. (800) 827-2851
1. (512) 888-3352
2. (800) ) 973-2867 Buffalo
1. (800) 927-5015
2. (716) 551-4311
Lake Champlain
(802) 868-2778 Ogdensburg
(800) 827-2851
Re: Importing a Cape Dory ??
When I "imported" my Cape Dory from California to Washington, I had the Broker write two sales slips-one on the boat and one one on the goodies that came with boat-which was worth about $10,000. When I presented this to our Washington folks, they just taxed me on the boat, and not on the goodies!!
Worked for me! You might just try it where you plan to plant your boat!
As for Washington, slips are available in and around Tacoma, but in the San Juans, your best best bet is at Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island.
They do have slips available. In Anacortes there is a six month waiting list on a 28 foot slip at Cape Sante Marina. I don't know about a 30 foot slip.
Hope this helps
Ken Cave
Dragon Tale
Worked for me! You might just try it where you plan to plant your boat!
As for Washington, slips are available in and around Tacoma, but in the San Juans, your best best bet is at Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island.
They do have slips available. In Anacortes there is a six month waiting list on a 28 foot slip at Cape Sante Marina. I don't know about a 30 foot slip.
Hope this helps
Ken Cave
Dragon Tale
Re: Importing a Cape Dory ??
You mentioned in your post that "(it) has sailed to New Zeland,..."Murray Glue wrote: Can anybody tell me what the deal would be, as far as duty is concerned, with bringing a Cape Dory into the US, from New Zealand, to be sold there? Dayspring is a fully equipped CD30 1979 cutter which has sailed to New Zealand, and is ocean ready.
Murray Glue
From where? Is it as US registered boat already. If so, it isn't an 'import' at all, but rather a US boat returning home with a new owner in which the "at sea" transfer of ownership sounds really great.
You really need the advice of a good marine lawyer (I'm not one) on this boat. Many questions need to be locked down. What ever you do, don't contact Customs first. You'll get a differnt answer out of
every officer you'll ask. Confusion factor will then go off scale, high, and that starts getting very expensive real fast.
Know what the law and caselaw is, know your legal obligations and rights, and then have a wonderful sale/sail. It will make rentry a lot more fun (and brief.)
Tnx, Joe
Re: Thanks all
Thank you for your advice everyone. I havent decided yet if I want to part with Dayspring....but she is a fine and well set up yacht for ocean cruising. I may well be interested in selling her back into the US if demand is good there. She did indeed sail to New Zealand, so she has all the gear for ocean passages....monitor vane, SSB, new sails and covers and dodger, the list goes on...I might put an inventory together to see what she would fetch there.
Murray Glue
CD30 Dayspring
Murray Glue
CD30 Dayspring