motor mount for ty

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motor mount for ty

Post by chris »

Can someone direct me to a place to find a motor mount for a ty? If not, does anyone have a picture that I could see to determine what I need o do to fabricate one. Thanks, Chris

Re: motor mount for ty

Post by Josh »

Try Bristol Bronze, they were offering one a few months ago for $285, Spartan Marine (Robinhood) has one for $350. If you find one cheaper let me know.
Bristol Bronze

Re: motor mount for ty

Post by Bristol Bronze »

chris wrote: Can someone direct me to a place to find a motor mount for a ty? If not, does anyone have a picture that I could see to determine what I need o do to fabricate one. Thanks, Chris
Dear Chris,

We make the motor mount for the Typhoon here at Bristol Bronze. At the moment we have two on hand. Our current price for this item is $300.00. Unfortunately due to the increase in the cost of energy (Bronze melts at 1800 degrees and pours at 2400 degrees) we will have to raise our price by 10% for the first of the year. If you place an order before the end of the year you will still get the old price.

If you would like to place an order you can do so by using the order form that is part of our web site or if you wish you can call me at 401-625-5224 and give me the necessary information.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze
Chip Gavin

Re: motor mount for ty

Post by Chip Gavin »

Handy Boat in Falmouth, Maine, formerly made them or was able to obtain them. I don't know if that's still the case. Many of the mounts I have seen actually are imprinted with the Handy Boat name.
Good luck.
- Chip
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