Help with reefing
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Help with reefing
On my CD25 I need some advice on reefing. On my mast at boom level I've got the "hook" onto which to place the grommet located on the sail to reef. Unfortunately I can not drop or pull down this grommet far enough to hook it. It looks like I would have to unscrew the sail stop that prevents the cars from coming out of the sail track onthe mast so that I can pull the grommet down far enough. This doesn't make sense to me since then I'd be fighting the rest of the sail from falling out of the track. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Re: Help with reefing
I am a little confused also, but it sounds like you have some lazy jacks hardwear mounted on there. There are two stainless steel hooks right down mounted on the mast on either side of the boom? If those are them look down the boom about 2/3 of the way and you'll see some other stainless hardwear that goes with those on the mast to hold the main when down.
This is how I reef. The short version. I tie the head of the main sail down to the boom tight. Then I take a line, clip it on to the boom with some hardwear that i added, through the grommet of the sail, and then through the pulley that should be on the port side of the boom. Take that up and cleat it off tight and you should be ready to go.
Note: the line you tie onto the boom has to be aft of the grommet on the sail. Otherwise you will never be able to pull the sail tight. Hope this is helpful. You can email if you want a better description of my reefing when I am not as tire and would be glad to describe it in more detail.
Again, this is my way that works for me. There are several ways to accompish the same results.
CD 25 R&R
This is how I reef. The short version. I tie the head of the main sail down to the boom tight. Then I take a line, clip it on to the boom with some hardwear that i added, through the grommet of the sail, and then through the pulley that should be on the port side of the boom. Take that up and cleat it off tight and you should be ready to go.
Note: the line you tie onto the boom has to be aft of the grommet on the sail. Otherwise you will never be able to pull the sail tight. Hope this is helpful. You can email if you want a better description of my reefing when I am not as tire and would be glad to describe it in more detail.
Again, this is my way that works for me. There are several ways to accompish the same results.
CD 25 R&R
SecondWind wrote: On my CD25 I need some advice on reefing. On my mast at boom level I've got the "hook" onto which to place the grommet located on the sail to reef. Unfortunately I can not drop or pull down this grommet far enough to hook it. It looks like I would have to unscrew the sail stop that prevents the cars from coming out of the sail track onthe mast so that I can pull the grommet down far enough. This doesn't make sense to me since then I'd be fighting the rest of the sail from falling out of the track. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Re: Help with reefing
Do I understand your problem correctly? When the sail is raised, the boom is below the wide spot in the track, the place where you can insert and remove the sail slugs. To keep the sail on the mast when you lower the sail, you have a sail stop in the track just above the opening. But when you want to reef, and pull the sail down to the boom, the sail stop is in the way. Then if you remove the sail stop, the sail comes out of the track and billows all over. If this is your problem, you need to install some fillers for the track opening.
I made some for a Columbia 22 that had this problem. I used aluminum angle that I filed and fitted, and filed and fitted, until everything was just right. I screwed these to the mast.
I understand that aluminum carpet edge is close to the curved shape you need and would be a good starting shape. I don't know if the mast gates sold by Rig-Rite will fit your mast, but that would be the most elegant answer.
There may something in the archives on this, you can try looking there also.
Good Luck,
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
Still sailing in San Diego
Do I understand your problem correctly? When the sail is raised, the boom is below the wide spot in the track, the place where you can insert and remove the sail slugs. To keep the sail on the mast when you lower the sail, you have a sail stop in the track just above the opening. But when you want to reef, and pull the sail down to the boom, the sail stop is in the way. Then if you remove the sail stop, the sail comes out of the track and billows all over. If this is your problem, you need to install some fillers for the track opening.
I made some for a Columbia 22 that had this problem. I used aluminum angle that I filed and fitted, and filed and fitted, until everything was just right. I screwed these to the mast.
I understand that aluminum carpet edge is close to the curved shape you need and would be a good starting shape. I don't know if the mast gates sold by Rig-Rite will fit your mast, but that would be the most elegant answer.
There may something in the archives on this, you can try looking there also.
Good Luck,
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
Still sailing in San Diego
Re: Help with reefing
My guess is that when you begin the process of reefing, you're not securing the topping lift so that it holds the aft end of the boom level. You usually do this before lowering the luff on most boats so that the luff is free to slide down the track without being stressed by the leech that is tensioned by the weight of the boom. You can do this while sailing off the wind a bit in light to moderate conditions.
Re: Help with reefing
I've be trying to think of a way to block one side or both of the cut out and leave a slot open in the middle for the sail slugs to go through. How about auto door edging strips sold at most auto stores in variious sizes and colors. You could snap a piece of it on either side of the gate and still leave a slot for the car to move without dumping your sail on the deck. This would eliminate the sail stop also if your gooseneck is not a slider...SecondWind wrote: On my CD25 I need some advice on reefing. On my mast at boom level I've got the "hook" onto which to place the grommet located on the sail to reef. Unfortunately I can not drop or pull down this grommet far enough to hook it. It looks like I would have to unscrew the sail stop that prevents the cars from coming out of the sail track onthe mast so that I can pull the grommet down far enough. This doesn't make sense to me since then I'd be fighting the rest of the sail from falling out of the track. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Re: Help with reefing
I think I understand what you're saying. In the first place your tack hook or reef hook or whatever it's called, should not be attached to the mast but to the boom. On my boat I replaced the bolt that holds the gooseneck together with a longer one that allows me to attack a reef hook to the gooseneck assembly. When I reef I do remove the stop just above the enlarged sail slot in the mast. The bottom slugg or two does come out. I then lose the down haul and the halyard until I can hook the sail at the reef point. Then I tighten the halyard again raising the boom. Finally I tighten the downhaul. I have a 4 to 1 purchase on the downhaul so I can get the luff really tight.
Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496
Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496
SecondWind wrote: On my CD25 I need some advice on reefing. On my mast at boom level I've got the "hook" onto which to place the grommet located on the sail to reef. Unfortunately I can not drop or pull down this grommet far enough to hook it. It looks like I would have to unscrew the sail stop that prevents the cars from coming out of the sail track onthe mast so that I can pull the grommet down far enough. This doesn't make sense to me since then I'd be fighting the rest of the sail from falling out of the track. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Re: Help with reefing
I had the same problem with my Seasprite 23. I used what someone else mentioned(aluminum carpet edge). My slug gate is to one side of the mast track, not both. I cut about a 6 inch piece of the edging and drilled and tapped #10 holes in the mast. I just happened to have two small bolts with large heads which are designed to be loosened by hand. It works fine. The slugs will pass the gate with no hangup.
SecondWind wrote: On my CD25 I need some advice on reefing. On my mast at boom level I've got the "hook" onto which to place the grommet located on the sail to reef. Unfortunately I can not drop or pull down this grommet far enough to hook it. It looks like I would have to unscrew the sail stop that prevents the cars from coming out of the sail track onthe mast so that I can pull the grommet down far enough. This doesn't make sense to me since then I'd be fighting the rest of the sail from falling out of the track. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Re: Help with reefing
Thanks for the tips. I will try adding the aluminum strip to block the channel so the cars don't come out.
Re: Help with reefing
That's right. When lowering the main to put the grommet on the reefing hook, I must remove the sail stop and two slugs do come out. This is not a problem, as you are holding the halyard, and the rest of the sail does not come down. When shaking out the reef, feed the two slugs back in while raising the main and replace the stop. If dropping the main with the reef still in at the end of the sail, remember to replace the sail stop, so that all the slugs don't come out. I use a Davis sail stop which can easily be screwed and unscrewed with one hand. And I keep an extra one in the track below the gate because invariably at some point one will "escape" into the water.
Re: Help with reefing
I also have a "hook", attached to my boom, where the grommet is supposed to hook on to, but I could never get the sale to furl properly. So I don't bother with that set up anymore.SecondWind wrote: On my CD25 I need some advice on reefing. On my mast at boom level I've got the "hook" onto which to place the grommet located on the sail to reef. Unfortunately I can not drop or pull down this grommet far enough to hook it. It looks like I would have to unscrew the sail stop that prevents the cars from coming out of the sail track onthe mast so that I can pull the grommet down far enough. This doesn't make sense to me since then I'd be fighting the rest of the sail from falling out of the track. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Now I just pass a length of line through the grommet. The line is secured at an eye hook near the base of the mast on one side and pulled tight to a cleat near the base of the mast on the other side.
I find that it takes very little effort to reef using a line instead of the hook. I can shake out the reef in seconds, and I can use that line sort of like a cunningham to tighten the luff as much as I want.
My two cents worth