I'm replacing the running rigging on my 73 ty. I'm OK on lengths, my question is, what type of line is best suited for the boat and a modest budget. I can splice 3 strand, can I use it for halyards or mainsheet? If I go with something like sta set, will a knot instead of splicing severely reduce line strength?
Thanks in advance.
Ty: acceptable and apropriate running rigging
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Ty: acceptable and apropriate running rigging
Gently skipping over the budget question, Sta-Set (or equivalent) will do the job best. Generally it is so overrated for the needs of a Ty that even a knot where necessary won't diminish the strength below your needs and three strand has too much stretch anyway for halyards. Halyards are where you do need a splice because a knot takes up too much space. They can be purchased ready made (ugh$) or possibly you can find someone to make those two splices for you. If you look at older posts on jib and genoa sheets you will find a good description of using a one-piece line without any knots at the clew. The mainsheet is commonly fastened to the bail on the block with a knot so no problem there.
Ty #1700
'Cloning Around'
Ty #1700
'Cloning Around'
I got talked into using Stayset X and going down to 5/16...
for the same money. The slightly smaller line runs through the blocks more easily. Downside: Stayset X is HELL to splice. Regular Stayset is a breeze by comparison. Just a consideration.
Serge Zimberoff wrote: Gently skipping over the budget question, Sta-Set (or equivalent) will do the job best. Generally it is so overrated for the needs of a Ty that even a knot where necessary won't diminish the strength below your needs and three strand has too much stretch anyway for halyards. Halyards are where you do need a splice because a knot takes up too much space. They can be purchased ready made (ugh$) or possibly you can find someone to make those two splices for you. If you look at older posts on jib and genoa sheets you will find a good description of using a one-piece line without any knots at the clew. The mainsheet is commonly fastened to the bail on the block with a knot so no problem there.
Ty #1700
'Cloning Around'
Re: Ty: acceptable and apropriate running rigging
Josh, one other consideration, unless you are racing and need the lowest stretch line for halyards, try the classic three strand.
Not dock line, mind you, but three strand for rigging.
I have it for all my lines, halyards and sheets, for the apperence and the feel. And like you, I can do a sharp splice, giving me a nice finish on the ends.
It is the lowest stretch of three strand,available at West Marine. I just cruise, daysail, club race, and I have no complaints against the line!
Not dock line, mind you, but three strand for rigging.
I have it for all my lines, halyards and sheets, for the apperence and the feel. And like you, I can do a sharp splice, giving me a nice finish on the ends.
It is the lowest stretch of three strand,available at West Marine. I just cruise, daysail, club race, and I have no complaints against the line!
Re: Ty: acceptable and apropriate running rigging
factory original running rigging was three-strand for halyards and sheets. mine were original and fifteen years old when i bought my ty off the original owner. all my sheets are 3/8 soft,low-stretch braid, easier on the hands. i tie bow-lines into the clews of the headsails so i don't have to carry the weight of a snapshackle. my halyards are 3/8 braid of the lowest-stretch available in different colors for easy identification. i switched the main and jib halyards because the jib halyard stretched slightly more than the main halyard (different brands of rope) and caused slight bagging of the headsails' luff.
Josh wrote: I'm replacing the running rigging on my 73 ty. I'm OK on lengths, my question is, what type of line is best suited for the boat and a modest budget. I can splice 3 strand, can I use it for halyards or mainsheet? If I go with something like sta set, will a knot instead of splicing severely reduce line strength?
Thanks in advance.