Yet ANOTHER poem!!

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Warren Kaplan

Yet ANOTHER poem!!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

'Twas the month before Christmas
And across LI Sound
Not a sailboat was stirring
Now all hard aground.

Though these boats are quiet
Their captains are not.
For they know war is coming
And winter's time to plot!

To vanquish the fleet
They'll all need more speed.
"A new suit of sails"
Should accomplish that deed!

Whether dacron or kevlar
We'll see a fast sail.
As they all beat to windward
And bury a rail!

Captains Heintz and good Healey
Captains Thorpe and brave Stump
Have led with bravado
Alas, ALL will be chump!!

For on the horizon
Sails an unnamed smaller boat
Who'll take home the silver
While you all sit and gloat!

Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Ed Haley

Re: Yet ANOTHER poem!!

Post by Ed Haley »

I like your style Warren. BUT...........

Sine Qua Non she be a fine adversary.
'Twill make a fun voyage with all the Cape Dorys.
Captains Stump and Thorpe: the die is cast.
Mokita will live before your mast.

And for me, up in front
As already foretold.
Will rule the high seas
When I take in the gold.

I'll leave you some cookies
Spread out on the sea.
For you and your friends
To munch on with tea!

And you'll hear me exclaim
As I sail out of sight -
"Catch me if can
You and Mike Heintz!"

Happy Thanksgiving to all you Captains and crew.
And families aboard your Cape Dorys
The holiday season is about to begin
As we retell our old stories.

Most thankful and humble,
Ed Haley, Captain
CD 330 Mokita
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