CD-33 PHRF and Captain MacDonald...
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re:Upps, did that math wrong!!!!!!!
To all Captains Commandin',
Uh, too much grog over the weekend last...the math should have been a CD-33 PHRF of 210 minus a CD-30C PHRF of 186 = 24! Does THAT mean that he gives me 24 seconds per mile? Which, if that is the case, in the instant of the race to the Island of Adrian Block of approximately 18 miles would have come out to 7.2 minutes, in which case, Hanalei is STILL victorius as she crossed the line a full 15 (FIFTEEN ! !) minutes before any other vessel in the fleet!!!!
Arg, Matys', have at it! ! !
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Uh, too much grog over the weekend last...the math should have been a CD-33 PHRF of 210 minus a CD-30C PHRF of 186 = 24! Does THAT mean that he gives me 24 seconds per mile? Which, if that is the case, in the instant of the race to the Island of Adrian Block of approximately 18 miles would have come out to 7.2 minutes, in which case, Hanalei is STILL victorius as she crossed the line a full 15 (FIFTEEN ! !) minutes before any other vessel in the fleet!!!!
Arg, Matys', have at it! ! !
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
What about these very SLOW MK's
How about the official MK rating
Mzenith@aol .com
How about the official MK rating
Mzenith@aol .com
Re: CD-33 PHRF = 186 ??
Hi Warren,Warren Kaplan wrote: Leo,
First, congratulations on your new vessel. When I saw you last at the CDSOA meeting on November 10th, you were just going to take a look at her. I'm thrilled it all worked out to your satisfaction. I fear you will be a sailing force to be reckoned with in next year's race. New sails or old, I think you have Capt Dave thinkin' about you already and that says alot!! Your remark about Captain York and his CD27 is right on. As the lucky owner of just such a vessel, I can tell you that a CD27 can nip along smartly when given the chance. I demonstrated that to my very great surprise and pleasure last summer when my very competent crew and brother-in-law (or brother-in-law and crew if you like)and I kept ahead of both a Hunter 34 and a Hylas 45 for 1.5 hours in a 12 knot breeze going to windward. Those guys looked plenty frustrated when they finally got close enough for us to see their faces. In any event, I suspect all participating will do the the Cape Dory name proud in next year's race.
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166
Look forward to you being on the starting line next year:-)
Fair Winds, Leo
Re: CD 27 PHRF
Please note well the comments regarding the capabilities of CD 27s. It is worth pursuing the PHRF question for all competitors. In Catherine's posting for New England PHRFs, the CD 27 is listed as 243. However, Pacem carries a Chesapeake Bay PHRF certificate at 246. The rating will differ depending on what sail area you claim, whether you have a roller furling rig, etc. Chesapeake Bay PHRFs may be found at
Robin Meigel
Commanding the racing sloop "Pacem" - the only CD 27 rated on the Chesapeake Bay
Robin Meigel
Commanding the racing sloop "Pacem" - the only CD 27 rated on the Chesapeake Bay
Re: CD-33 PHRF and Captain MacDonald...
To all racing Cape Dorians,
Enough of this round the buoys stuff. Graduate to where your vessel water. The Northeast Fleet of the CDSOA will be hosting their 2002 cruise to Maine starting August 10, 2002 with a overnight sail from Onset, MA to Tenanats Harbor in Maine. Journey's End was the 1st Cape Dory to finish last year and challenges all comers to try their luck against her next summer. Bring your new boat, kevlar sails, ringers from Georgia, whatever. We welcome the challenge, wish you luck and will buy a drink for the Captain of any Cape Dory that beats us (yeah right) to Tenants Harbor.
Mike Thorpe
Merrie Bergmann
CD-36 Journey's End
ps Peter, if you are reading this leave Monhegan Island to starboard.
Enough of this round the buoys stuff. Graduate to where your vessel water. The Northeast Fleet of the CDSOA will be hosting their 2002 cruise to Maine starting August 10, 2002 with a overnight sail from Onset, MA to Tenanats Harbor in Maine. Journey's End was the 1st Cape Dory to finish last year and challenges all comers to try their luck against her next summer. Bring your new boat, kevlar sails, ringers from Georgia, whatever. We welcome the challenge, wish you luck and will buy a drink for the Captain of any Cape Dory that beats us (yeah right) to Tenants Harbor.
Mike Thorpe
Merrie Bergmann
CD-36 Journey's End
ps Peter, if you are reading this leave Monhegan Island to starboard.
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: To all Captains Commandin',
It has come to this esteemed Captains' attention that one Captain MacDonald of the CD-30K Heather Anne(recently sold out of the fleet, or sent to the breakers), has decided to lengthen his water line in order to gain an advantage in the at sea contest to be held between Hanalei and his vessel this year next. Now, it is rumored that some Captains have already been looking into purchasing new Kevlar, or Tape Drive, loose footed, or bolt rope footed sails or whatever high tech space age STUFF that is used to replace good old Dacron sails in order to beat the stuffin'(a Turkey Day sayin') out of Hanalei next year! Some are even pulling the boat after every training session just to clean the BOTTOM (this might apply to those skippers from Greenwich Cove). This improvement in equipment is understandable, but, some will do ANYTHING to increase their fleet standing! Why, this Captain understands that Captain Heintz has purchased a special kevlar bag that attaches to the bow pulpit in which he can stuff his sails so they don't drag in the water! But, buy a WHOLE new boat to increase ones' chances? Sounds a little extreme to this old sea dog!! Perhaps Captain MacDonald has been to the spirit locker once to often? Or, He is afraid, really AFRAID, that Hanalei will reign victorius again next year!
Oh, and the real question, and this is probably for John Martin, what IS the PHRF for a Cape Dory 33? This may take a LOT of research to ascertain, as I don't believe a CD-33 was EVER rated, a similiar situation to the CD-32! (C. Monaghan beware!)
At any rate, a glass of wine with you Captain MacDonald and a hand salute to you for your new vessel. May you find fair winds and following seas wherever you venture in her. I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant...........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Will the real #1 step forward!!!!!
It seems as though the gauntlet has been thrown!!!!!!!
Dave, I think Mike's got a point here.
I suggest we all start working on our schedules for next year, we will have to make time to accommodate Captain Thorpe's challenge.
Mike, you'll have to start working on the "offshore" ratings. Are we going to have a solo division?
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
It seems as though the gauntlet has been thrown!!!!!!!
Dave, I think Mike's got a point here.
I suggest we all start working on our schedules for next year, we will have to make time to accommodate Captain Thorpe's challenge.
Mike, you'll have to start working on the "offshore" ratings. Are we going to have a solo division?
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Re: In defence of......
Captain Thorpe,
In defense of all those hardy souls that went to sea that summer day last to meet the challenge of a race to the Island of Adrian Block; I must bring to your attention Sir, the fact that many of those esteemed Vessels, Captains and Crew saw some REAL blue water conditions. I had heard reports at the awards ceremony that some had seen 25 knot winds across the deck with 4 to 6 foot seas. No Sir, not like rounding Cape Horn, but still a rough ride for those even on a Cape Dory! True, a rumb line laid from Provincetown to Bar Harbor, Maine does put ones vessel approximately 60 miles to sea, but, the water is JUST as unforgiving as was the water that day on Block Island Sound! Some vessels were forced to drop out of the race due to the weather and seas, but this was NOT a matter of disgrace, it only showed proper prudence and caution of the Captains commanding. Arg Matey, SOME had children (midshipmen?) aboard! In short Sir, it is NOT the width of the water traversed, but the conditions one is exposed to!
Now Sir, I agree with Captain Heintz, the gauntlet has been thrown, and the Captain Commanding Hanalei can only DEMAND satisfaction! Hanalei very well may be heading to Provincetown this summer next so the Captain Commanding may show his new bride the whales off of Stellwagon Bank. Nothin' like an eighty foot (80) Right whale right alongside a CD-30! If time permits Sir, rest assured Hanalei WILL answer the challenge!
By the by Sir, what is the PHRF of a CD-36? For a CD-30 it is 207. How many seconds per mile do you give Hanalei?
I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant........on the hard and on half-pay in Noank,CT..........and we DO have ALL winter to continue this lively discussion....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Captain Heintz, if you read this, we must talk! It appears that even 2nd. place must defend herself at sea this year next. Perhaps we can discuss the proper armament of a CD-30C or CD-30MKII for an exchange of broadsides with the ENEMY???
In defense of all those hardy souls that went to sea that summer day last to meet the challenge of a race to the Island of Adrian Block; I must bring to your attention Sir, the fact that many of those esteemed Vessels, Captains and Crew saw some REAL blue water conditions. I had heard reports at the awards ceremony that some had seen 25 knot winds across the deck with 4 to 6 foot seas. No Sir, not like rounding Cape Horn, but still a rough ride for those even on a Cape Dory! True, a rumb line laid from Provincetown to Bar Harbor, Maine does put ones vessel approximately 60 miles to sea, but, the water is JUST as unforgiving as was the water that day on Block Island Sound! Some vessels were forced to drop out of the race due to the weather and seas, but this was NOT a matter of disgrace, it only showed proper prudence and caution of the Captains commanding. Arg Matey, SOME had children (midshipmen?) aboard! In short Sir, it is NOT the width of the water traversed, but the conditions one is exposed to!
Now Sir, I agree with Captain Heintz, the gauntlet has been thrown, and the Captain Commanding Hanalei can only DEMAND satisfaction! Hanalei very well may be heading to Provincetown this summer next so the Captain Commanding may show his new bride the whales off of Stellwagon Bank. Nothin' like an eighty foot (80) Right whale right alongside a CD-30! If time permits Sir, rest assured Hanalei WILL answer the challenge!
By the by Sir, what is the PHRF of a CD-36? For a CD-30 it is 207. How many seconds per mile do you give Hanalei?
I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant........on the hard and on half-pay in Noank,CT..........and we DO have ALL winter to continue this lively discussion....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Captain Heintz, if you read this, we must talk! It appears that even 2nd. place must defend herself at sea this year next. Perhaps we can discuss the proper armament of a CD-30C or CD-30MKII for an exchange of broadsides with the ENEMY???
Captain Stump
Captain Stump,
There is nothing better than night sail to go stealth, and fire broadsides!!!!!
Would you prefer starboard or larboard?
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Chipping the iron balls (that would be the shot, to ensure perfect trajectory)
There is nothing better than night sail to go stealth, and fire broadsides!!!!!
Would you prefer starboard or larboard?
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Chipping the iron balls (that would be the shot, to ensure perfect trajectory)
Mike's racing 'Rules'
Capt. Dave Stump,
I do not think Capt. Thorpe gives PHRF time, i.e., first to arrive wins - period. So you have beat him out of the docks - not hard, I think he slept in last year and Merrie had to make underway preps, etc.
Fair Winds,
I do not think Capt. Thorpe gives PHRF time, i.e., first to arrive wins - period. So you have beat him out of the docks - not hard, I think he slept in last year and Merrie had to make underway preps, etc.
Fair Winds,
Re: "IRON BALLS" ! ! !
Captain Heintz,
OH, you MEAN cannon balls! ! ! Had me going there for a minute, , , as I thought we would be getting into the brass monkey thing again!
To answer your question, I believe the excellently trained crew of Hanalei ( a Mrs. Carol!) is able to man BOTH sides at the same time. Sir, ya ought ta see this women repel boarders! Can this equipment be mounted to a dingy. This would allow an even greater degree of stealth for a night foray! What is the possibility of small heat seaking weapons?
I LOVE this site.....
Dave Stump
OH, you MEAN cannon balls! ! ! Had me going there for a minute, , , as I thought we would be getting into the brass monkey thing again!
To answer your question, I believe the excellently trained crew of Hanalei ( a Mrs. Carol!) is able to man BOTH sides at the same time. Sir, ya ought ta see this women repel boarders! Can this equipment be mounted to a dingy. This would allow an even greater degree of stealth for a night foray! What is the possibility of small heat seaking weapons?
I LOVE this site.....
Dave Stump
Re: Hmmm, if ya lead the fleet......
Captain MacDonald,
I suppose Sir, that if one leads the ENTIRE fleet by 15 minutes, it doesn't make any difference what PHRFs are applied. I see that I was unnecessairly concerned!
A Happy Turkey Day to you Sir, is the Lonesome Dove putting on quite the spread?.....
Dave Stump
I suppose Sir, that if one leads the ENTIRE fleet by 15 minutes, it doesn't make any difference what PHRFs are applied. I see that I was unnecessairly concerned!
A Happy Turkey Day to you Sir, is the Lonesome Dove putting on quite the spread?.....
Dave Stump
Re: What about these very SLOW MK's
If nobody has ever entered their CD30MKII in an official race, then, like the CD32, it's without a rating. You can contact the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound regarding getting a PHRF rating:
455 Main Street
Port Washington, New York 11050
Phone: 516-767-9240
Fax: 516-767-9240
Website: <a href=""></a>
By the way, their PHRF base ratings list shows at "Cape Dory 30 Tall Mast Sloop" with a rating of 192. I wonder if the Tall Mast Sloop is the MKII. She certainly has a taller stick than the CD30C or CD30K.
If nobody has ever entered their CD30MKII in an official race, then, like the CD32, it's without a rating. You can contact the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound regarding getting a PHRF rating:
455 Main Street
Port Washington, New York 11050
Phone: 516-767-9240
Fax: 516-767-9240
Website: <a href=""></a>
By the way, their PHRF base ratings list shows at "Cape Dory 30 Tall Mast Sloop" with a rating of 192. I wonder if the Tall Mast Sloop is the MKII. She certainly has a taller stick than the CD30C or CD30K.
Michael Heintz wrote:
How about the official MK rating
Re: Will the real #1 step forward!!!!!
Yes, the gauntlet has been thrown and it's ring is for thee. Mark thy calanders for August next. I and my faithful companion Merrie will sail Journey's End to her second consecutive Maine victory. So fire your broadsides be they starboard or larboard, Journey's End will be tracking downeast...let the pursuit begin.
Captain's M&M - The True #1's
Yes, the gauntlet has been thrown and it's ring is for thee. Mark thy calanders for August next. I and my faithful companion Merrie will sail Journey's End to her second consecutive Maine victory. So fire your broadsides be they starboard or larboard, Journey's End will be tracking downeast...let the pursuit begin.
Captain's M&M - The True #1's
Michael Heintz wrote: Well,
It seems as though the gauntlet has been thrown!!!!!!!
Dave, I think Mike's got a point here.
I suggest we all start working on our schedules for next year, we will have to make time to accommodate Captain Thorpe's challenge.
Mike, you'll have to start working on the "offshore" ratings. Are we going to have a solo division?
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Re: In defence of......
Captain Stump,
No disrespect for all of the brave soles that traversed BI sound that fateful day last summer. It was a day to test ones mettle...I was also there having traversed said body of water on the same day enroute from points east. Perhaps you didn't notice the fair vessel Journey's End already at ANCHOR when you arrived. Once he arrived Captain MacDonald immediatly spied my fair vessel and laid along side to larboard thankful for the protection that Journey's End afforded him and his fine crew.
It was also from ANCHOR that I watched Captain Heintzs' port tack afflicted approach sans iron genny. A fine bit of seamnaship. So sir, you and the other Captains that fine day have earned the right to challenge the true #1 in a winner take all romp across Cape Cod Bay and the Gulf of Maine where Journey's End will triumph once again.
Captains M&M
of the fine sailing vessel,
Journey's End...the TRUE #1
No disrespect for all of the brave soles that traversed BI sound that fateful day last summer. It was a day to test ones mettle...I was also there having traversed said body of water on the same day enroute from points east. Perhaps you didn't notice the fair vessel Journey's End already at ANCHOR when you arrived. Once he arrived Captain MacDonald immediatly spied my fair vessel and laid along side to larboard thankful for the protection that Journey's End afforded him and his fine crew.
It was also from ANCHOR that I watched Captain Heintzs' port tack afflicted approach sans iron genny. A fine bit of seamnaship. So sir, you and the other Captains that fine day have earned the right to challenge the true #1 in a winner take all romp across Cape Cod Bay and the Gulf of Maine where Journey's End will triumph once again.
Captains M&M
of the fine sailing vessel,
Journey's End...the TRUE #1
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain Thorpe,
In defense of all those hardy souls that went to sea that summer day last to meet the challenge of a race to the Island of Adrian Block; I must bring to your attention Sir, the fact that many of those esteemed Vessels, Captains and Crew saw some REAL blue water conditions. I had heard reports at the awards ceremony that some had seen 25 knot winds across the deck with 4 to 6 foot seas. No Sir, not like rounding Cape Horn, but still a rough ride for those even on a Cape Dory! True, a rumb line laid from Provincetown to Bar Harbor, Maine does put ones vessel approximately 60 miles to sea, but, the water is JUST as unforgiving as was the water that day on Block Island Sound! Some vessels were forced to drop out of the race due to the weather and seas, but this was NOT a matter of disgrace, it only showed proper prudence and caution of the Captains commanding. Arg Matey, SOME had children (midshipmen?) aboard! In short Sir, it is NOT the width of the water traversed, but the conditions one is exposed to!
Now Sir, I agree with Captain Heintz, the gauntlet has been thrown, and the Captain Commanding Hanalei can only DEMAND satisfaction! Hanalei very well may be heading to Provincetown this summer next so the Captain Commanding may show his new bride the whales off of Stellwagon Bank. Nothin' like an eighty foot (80) Right whale right alongside a CD-30! If time permits Sir, rest assured Hanalei WILL answer the challenge!
By the by Sir, what is the PHRF of a CD-36? For a CD-30 it is 207. How many seconds per mile do you give Hanalei?
I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant........on the hard and on half-pay in Noank,CT..........and we DO have ALL winter to continue this lively discussion....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Captain Heintz, if you read this, we must talk! It appears that even 2nd. place must defend herself at sea this year next. Perhaps we can discuss the proper armament of a CD-30C or CD-30MKII for an exchange of broadsides with the ENEMY???