Forced-air Cabin Heat

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Forced-air Cabin Heat

Post by John »

Has anyone installed forced-air diesel cabin heat into their CD? If so, any tips to keep in mind? If not, why not?

Bill Michne

Re: Forced-air Cabin Heat

Post by Bill Michne »

John wrote: Has anyone installed forced-air diesel cabin heat into their CD? If so, any tips to keep in mind? If not, why not?


I installed a heat and air conditioning unit I bought a West Marine. It works fine. Obviously no AC at anchor. I also have a solid fuel heater in the cabin. I only burn charcoal briquets. It does a great job. I met a guy in a CD 30 who had a diesel fueled cabin heater but I don't think it was forced air. He was pleased with it which is saying something as his home port was Lake Superior!

Ken Cave

Re: Forced-air Cabin Heat

Post by Ken Cave »

I use a Force 10 in my 28 (Kerosene-diesel) here in the northwest and have had wonderful results this past season. Even my wife went out with me for three days at the end of October!

Easy to install with the right equipment-easy on the pocketbook (try and, with a small fan to move the hot air off the cabin roof, really comfortable.

Ken Cave
Steve Alarcon

Re: Forced-air Cabin Heat

Post by Steve Alarcon »

Hi Ken,

What size is the stack, 3"? Do you have any problem with soot on deck? I need something for our CD36, and had been considering forced air but would prefer something that doesn't draw down the house bank. I had a Taylor "drip pot" diesel on our CD30, but it left lots of soot on deck and sometimes "belched" smoke in the cabin when a big downdraft would force its way into the stack. Also, does 6k BTU keep you warm when its 30 degrees?

Steve Alarcon
CD36 Tenacity
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