RESPITE gets hauled tomorrow;send help.

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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M. R. Bober

RESPITE gets hauled tomorrow;send help.

Post by M. R. Bober »

The weather in Annapolis is still springlike, but we're going up on the hard tomorrow. There are a few winter projects, but I'd rather be sailing. The yard uses a first out/last back in system as they place boats in their road & driveway. So in order to go back around 1 April an early--earlier than I would wish during this type of weather--is required.

I'd be grumpy 'til spring, but the yard has a few other CDs to visit.
Every best wish,
Mitchell Bober
Chris Cram

Re: RESPITE gets hauled tomorrow;send help.

Post by Chris Cram »

The weather over here in Oxford is the same (of course) and I feel your pain...Hesperus comes out next week. I just look at this time as an opportunity to lavish the love and care on our boats that they deserve. The problem is where to begin; the list of projects just seems so long. The one thing I can be assured of doing is the never ending varnish.

Chris Cram
S/Y Hesperus
CD 30 C
zeida cecilia-mendez

Re: RESPITE gets hauled tomorrow;send help.

Post by zeida cecilia-mendez »

to improve on the "never ending varnish job"... why don't you try the HoneyTeak treatment? When done well, it looks as superb as varnish, protects the wood probably better, because it lasts so much longer. The only think you need to continue doing is putting on coats of clear after the initial honeyteak color...

Chris Cram

Re: RESPITE gets hauled tomorrow;send help.

Post by Chris Cram »

I just might try that. I have a couple of pieces that I will be taking down to bare wood (coamings) so now is a good time. I imagine, down in Florida, you stay in all year. A sail on January one sounds like a nice idea.

matt cawthorne

honey teak

Post by matt cawthorne »

I decided to try honey teak this time. 7 years of Cetol and my woodwork might just have been painted brown. One really interesting point about using Honey teak is that the manufacturer claims that it can be applied when the temperature is below freezing! I have removed varnish in sub freezing temperatures before, but never applied it at that temperature. Perhaps the boat can go in on time this year.

David Low

I "don't" feel your pain (but will next year)

Post by David Low »


While you are having the boat pulled, I will be installing a wood heater on mine down here in Deltaville. Hope to use it a lot this winter (that is if the darn "work thing" allows).

If you need a CD fix, come on down and we can take her out.

Dave Low
CD 30 Second Wind
Hull 166
M. R. Bober

The deed is done

Post by M. R. Bober »

OK. RESPITE left home this morning at 07:00 for the one hour run up the Severn River to Brown's Cove. No wind and no other boats on the river. Sweet run.

Good haul; things look good below the water line. Except for the zinc, which is the West Marine item designed to replace the Perry nut. The allen screw backed out and the zinc departed. The manufacturer sent me replacement set screws, but they failed to hold. The threads have been stripped. Has anyone found a new source for Perry nuts?

Anyway the sails have been removed from RESPITE, water tanks have been drained and pumped with antifreeze (same for all the fresh water lines, oil has been drained and refilled. A productive day at the yards. Better than that, they parked me next to a CD27!
M. R. Bober wrote: Mitchell Bober
Mark Yashinsky

Re: The deed is done

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Is you neighbor anyone we know???
Warren Kaplan

At My Yard Too!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Mark Yashinsky wrote: Is you neighbor anyone we know???
My boat is on the hard at Oyster Bay Marine Center in Oyster Bay Long Island. I went to "visit" her on Wednesday afternoon and there were two more Cape Dorys up on stands very near by. They are about 27 ft but could be either side of it. I looked at the names and didn't find them in any of the registries. Anyone know these CDs. " Phyllis", and the other is "Le Petit Bateau". I guess only a small percentage of CD owners frequent these boards. A pity! Does anyone know off hand how many CDs were built over the years? I'm too lazy to go to the "about Cape Dorys" and add up all the "numbers built" for all the sizes.

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Mark Yashinsky

Spread the word

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Maybe leave them a note or search them out and let them know about the Board. W/ the performance increase, the Board should be able to handle a few more visits and some registrations. You never know....
Bob Loewenstein

Re: At My Yard Too!

Post by Bob Loewenstein »

Warren Kaplan wrote: I guess only a small percentage of CD owners frequent these boards. Does anyone know off hand how many CDs were built over the years? I'm too lazy to go to the "about Cape Dorys" and add up all the "numbers built" for all the sizes.
I'm too lazy for that. But I did make a spread sheet of the registry and there were 1175 entries at my last count. So if some ambitious dorian with time on their hands (and boat on the hard) does the tally for Warren, we'll know a reasonable estimate of the percentage.

Jeff Funston

Re: At My Yard Too, 5,406 but...

Post by Jeff Funston »

5,406 on about cape dorys, but whats the count on the 10's, 14's and handy cat's? You could tack on at least another 2200-2500. Not out of the water yet and tomorrow is looking good on the lower chesapeake!
Will W.

Re: At My Yard Too!

Post by Will W. »

There is an Allied Grenwich 24 at my marina at Breezy Point MD. She's still in the water, as is "Suzi Q".

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

Bob Loewenstein wrote:
Warren Kaplan wrote: I guess only a small percentage of CD owners frequent these boards. Does anyone know off hand how many CDs were built over the years? I'm too lazy to go to the "about Cape Dorys" and add up all the "numbers built" for all the sizes.
I'm too lazy for that. But I did make a spread sheet of the registry and there were 1175 entries at my last count. So if some ambitious dorian with time on their hands (and boat on the hard) does the tally for Warren, we'll know a reasonable estimate of the percentage.

Will W.

Re: At My Yard Too!

Post by Will W. »

There is an Allied Grenwich 24 at my marina at Breezy Point MD. She's still in the water, as is "Suzi Q".

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

Bob Loewenstein wrote:
Warren Kaplan wrote: I guess only a small percentage of CD owners frequent these boards. Does anyone know off hand how many CDs were built over the years? I'm too lazy to go to the "about Cape Dorys" and add up all the "numbers built" for all the sizes.
I'm too lazy for that. But I did make a spread sheet of the registry and there were 1175 entries at my last count. So if some ambitious dorian with time on their hands (and boat on the hard) does the tally for Warren, we'll know a reasonable estimate of the percentage.

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