Running lights

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Bill Lawson

Running lights

Post by Bill Lawson »

In keeping with the bronze hardware on the TYs...what sort of running lights are available in something other that chrome? Bill Lawson
Bristol Bronze

Re: Running lights

Post by Bristol Bronze »

Bill Lawson wrote: In keeping with the bronze hardware on the TYs...what sort of running lights are available in something other that chrome? Bill Lawson
Dear Bill,

We here at Bristol Bronze have been working on reproducing old fashion Bronze running lights. We have had numerous requests from all segments of the boating industry. What I have found is that the current production stainless steel ones bleed rust early on and that the chrome plated pot metal one pit and crack in a year or two.

We have the tooling done to do bow and stern lights and will be doing the tooling for the side lights shortly. That has been the easy part. Where we have been having difficulty is the red, green and clear glass globes to go in the lights. Large glass manufacturers want to sell them by the multiple gross. We will probably have to hunt out an artistic glass blower to make them in small quantity for us.

If you have any questions I can be reached at 401-625-5224.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze
Chris Schnell

Re: Running lights

Post by Chris Schnell »

Roger...if you make the hardware to match exactly what I have on my CD30 for bow & stern lights....I'll take the old glass out and put it in your mounting. For that matter, I'm sure we can buy our own replacement glass if you build the case. Good Luck.
Full Sails & Calm Seas,

Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III, CD30 #235
Southport, NC
will parker

Re: Running lights

Post by will parker »

I certainly applaud your efforts to provide bronze light fixtures. However, you might want to consider plastic lenses instead of glass, since that is what is available generally on the navigation light market. Anyway, good luck and I hope you are very successful!.

Bristol Bronze wrote:
Bill Lawson wrote: In keeping with the bronze hardware on the TYs...what sort of running lights are available in something other that chrome? Bill Lawson
Dear Bill,

We here at Bristol Bronze have been working on reproducing old fashion Bronze running lights. We have had numerous requests from all segments of the boating industry. What I have found is that the current production stainless steel ones bleed rust early on and that the chrome plated pot metal one pit and crack in a year or two.

We have the tooling done to do bow and stern lights and will be doing the tooling for the side lights shortly. That has been the easy part. Where we have been having difficulty is the red, green and clear glass globes to go in the lights. Large glass manufacturers want to sell them by the multiple gross. We will probably have to hunt out an artistic glass blower to make them in small quantity for us.

If you have any questions I can be reached at 401-625-5224.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze

Re: Running lights

Post by sloopjohnl »


try to get the glass. the plastic does not hold up for more than 4-5 years due to sun exposure i presume. look forward to your product.

Bristol Bronze wrote:
Bill Lawson wrote: In keeping with the bronze hardware on the TYs...what sort of running lights are available in something other that chrome? Bill Lawson
Dear Bill,

We here at Bristol Bronze have been working on reproducing old fashion Bronze running lights. We have had numerous requests from all segments of the boating industry. What I have found is that the current production stainless steel ones bleed rust early on and that the chrome plated pot metal one pit and crack in a year or two.

We have the tooling done to do bow and stern lights and will be doing the tooling for the side lights shortly. That has been the easy part. Where we have been having difficulty is the red, green and clear glass globes to go in the lights. Large glass manufacturers want to sell them by the multiple gross. We will probably have to hunt out an artistic glass blower to make them in small quantity for us.

If you have any questions I can be reached at 401-625-5224.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze

Re: Running lights

Post by sloopjohnl »

i had the chrome ones (sidelights, stern light) for ten years and never really liked them, but there weren't a lot of choices. this past spring i got the Perko black plastic sidelights from west marine when i changed out my portlights to bronze. much better appearance imho. will be eager to see roger's bristol bronze product.

Bill Lawson wrote: In keeping with the bronze hardware on the TYs...what sort of running lights are available in something other that chrome? Bill Lawson
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